Chapter 88

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I watched angrily as Laila and Luke walked up to us. Laila's eyes pierced daggers into Ez's, while Luke just glared at me.

"What do you want, Rick Kid?" I asked, coolly.

"Nothing, Repair Boy." He asked, in the same state. How did he know about that? Ez looked about as confused as I felt.

"What do you mean, Repair Boy?" She asked, glaring at Luke.

"Oh you didn't know? Your pet here," he started motioning at me, "has spent his entire life repairing things. Bikes, gaming consoles, laptops, and broken hearts. His life of love is very sad and treacherous. Mine, on the other hand, is happy, just like you would be if you were my girlfriend. It's not too late Ez." He held his hand out for Ez to take, but she just turned her head to me.

"What's he talking about?" She demanded.

"My life has been rough. I grew up without a mom, my dad was depressed a lot, I was bullied, most of my other family members were dead. Killed by the Dark Lord and his followers. So, that's where Finn came in. I was, before Finn, regular old Finmore. Nice, sweet, didn't get into any trouble, didn't like any girls, the exact opposite of Finn. But, when things got rough, for some reason, the mask I call Finn became me. I became a happy go lucky guy, hit on lots of girls, was smart, stood up for himself, had fun. I became the guy I always wanted to be. So, now you know my backstory." I said, my thumbs shoved shyly into my pockets.

"Why didn't you tell me Finn? I could've helped you get through this." She said, obviously in disbelief.

"Because I don't own emotion. I rent." I said, trying my best to make her smile.

"FREEZE!" We heard a voice yell from the stairwell.

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