Chapter 23

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I was shaken awake later by two hands on my arm, I looked up into the face of August. "Gosh Ezzie, we were so worried, we split up and tried to find you and Finn and Laila kissed, and we got asked to be on the Quidditch team." He rushed all that out in about 3 seconds. I sat up quickly. "Finn and Laila kissed?" I asked. I don't really know how to say what I felt at this moment, so here are all of the things I could pinpoint.






"Yeah." He said amazed, "it was really weird."

"Wait, so, Gus, how did this happen, exactly?"

"Well when Finn and I came out with Professor Quaff, Finn asked Laila what she had done to you, because she looked all proud of herself. And then she insulted you and she just kissed him and Finn looked like he was about to throw up afterwards. A rush of relief flew through me. I stood up with August and we ran to go find Finn. After we had checked the Quidditch field and a hill beside of a hut, where Hagrid politely asked if we would like to join him, we ran into Finn, and I literally mean ran into him. We had went back to the lake and me and Gus were standing there looking off in one direction, Finn ran into the back of me, knocking both of us down. He stood back up very quickly and grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "RUN!" He yelled at us, but he said it in a really high girly voice. We turned back around to look at what he was running from. A giant tarantula was creeping its way towards us. I grabbed both of their hand and we started running for our life.

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