Chapter 116

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"You wanted to die, Ez?" I asked seriously. My mind was collapsing from all the information. She nodded quietly, looking down at her hands. I grabbed her hand, and looked her straight in her perfect, emerald green eyes.

"Ezmerelda Green, don't ever think like that. Never. I love you and I couldn't bear it if you died. I needed someone to make my symbol live on, and that person was you. I couldn't let you die for me. I needed you to live for me." I reached into my pocket and reached down for my other note, but it was missing. Ez held it up, and I re-read my own words: Ez, I love you more than everything. But something was different. The Ez was marked out and replaced with Finn.

"I love you too, Ez." I said, nodding, my eyes lighting up with something I hadn't truly experinced since I was very young. Joy. True, pure, joy.

She hugged me tightly, and we walked out of the infirmary, me carrying her bridal style. I carried her back down to the lake, where I first told her that I loved her. We watched the sun setting, sharing stories of when we didn't know each other.

Life was good.

End of Book 1

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