Chapter 30

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I curled up on the couch, slightly crying, slightly falling into a thick, dreamless sleep.


I awoke to the sound of the door swinging open. Great. The last person I want to see. I thought as Ez walked through. I stood up, and looked at Ez, glaring through my red, puffy eyes. "What do you want, Ezmerelda?" I asked angrily. She looked hurt because I didn't call her Ez. Before she could answer I stormed out through the door way. I slid down the railing of the stairwell to keep ahead of Ez, who was running after me. I finally sat down at dinner beside August, with Jordan on my other side which caused Ez to have to sit on the other side of August. At least I wasn't sitting beside her. We ate our dinner in uncomftorable silence.

"Wow, what happened between you two?" August asked as we continued our silence. I stabbed my knife into the steak I was eating about as hard as I punched Luke. August almost fell over trying to get away from me. I pushed my plate away from me and walked back to the common room. A while after I walked in, Ez barged in.

"Why do you hate me so much?" She asked, whimpering as if she were crying. I whipped around and smashed my lips into hers, resting my hands in her silky red hair.

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