Chapter 75

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As I waited for Finn and August to get ready, I sat on the couch in the Common Room, and braided my hair, I done a fishtail braid to the side, it actually looked really good in a braid, I had always worn my hair down.

By the time I had tried a few times and got it almost perfected, Finn and August came in, both with dripping hair. I scream-giggled as they ran over to me and shook their heads like dogs, covering me in water.

"You guys!" They just laughed as I gave them a fake pouty face.

"Wow Ez, what did you do to your hair?" Finn asked.

"What, you don't like it?" I asked, bringing my hands up to my braid.

"No, no, it's beautiful!"

I grinned.

"Yeah Ezzie, it's really pretty on you." Gus said.

I saw Finn silently glare at Gus in his eyes, but then put on a friendly smile.

"Thanks!" Then I had an idea, "Oooh! I could teach you guys how to do it!" I said excitedly to both of the boys. August looked like he would rather be best friends with Laila, than learn how to braid hair, oh well. "Okay," Finn replied, "but me and Gus get to teach you how to play Quidditch." My smile turned into a hanging jaw as I looked at them with wide eyes. As I said before, I do not like sports, I always have bad luck, something will eventually hit me in the face, or I'll get hurt somehow, the only sport I'm good at is dancing. "Come on, Ez, it'll be fun! This is the last day before Christmas break!" I finally returned my face back to normal. "Fine, but are you guys staying here for Christmas? I thought I might this year, so we all could spend some more time together, if you guys were going to stay. I've already sent my parents a letter, saying that if you guys were staying, I would stay too, and Jax won't be there anyways, he always stays here."

Finn looked at me with excitement, "I'll stay, let me just write to my dad!" Finn started to leave but Gus grabbed his arm.

August looked sad, "Sorry guys, I promised my parents that I would come home my first year, at least."

Finn then looked at me and wiggled his eyebrows while I was trying to keep a straight face, because August didn't see him. Finn then took off upstairs to find a quill and ink. He came back down, wrote his letter, sent it off with his owl, Ash, and the three of us headed to breakfast.

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