30 October, 2018.

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I planned to wake up at 6:30AM to help mom with Diwali cleaning and snacks making but snoozed my way till 10. Lol.

Alex left me a note mocking me by saying "See, I told you you'll only wake up by 10". My dad had also stuck a note on my laptop which asked me to use the cloth (which was also kept on the laptop) to clean my laptop if I found it necessary. Lol my family is sassy.

I tried making a new cover for this book but kinda, sorta failed. I need to jot down what I think the whole vibe of this journal is, what does it represent, what do I want it to convey, etc. I'm pretty happy with my cover for Part 3 and 4 so I might just tweak them if I can't make a new one.

In the afternoon I helped my mom roll some Diwali sweets. I wanted to be a part of the whole Diwali snacks making process. I'll do that from tomorrow I promise!

Ofcourse I had to stream La Vie en Rose today as well and bois, guess who holds the new record for highest views of a KPop group debut single in the first 24 hours?! Yep, IZ*ONE got about 4.3 mil views!!! Woah!


BTS is going to release a music video for the Japanese version of Airplane Pt.2!!!! This was so unexpected! I know that BTS has made MVs for the Japanese version of some of their title songs (No More Dream, Boy In Luv, Danger, I Need U, Run and Blood Sweat and Tears) but Airplane Pt.2 wasn't their title song! I ain't complaining tho. I saw a teaser and boy it looks GREAT! They've got the whole latina vibe in the MV just like the song demands. And at one point they're dancing in the rain!

They did not have a Japanese MV since BST era for some reason but I'm really happy that they decided to make a MV for a song that they haven't already made a (Korean) MV for! Yesss!

Ofcourse I watched the 7th episode of Bon Voyage Season 3.

In the previous episode, RM and JHope were shown reaching Sliema. There they went to an Irish pub, had some drinks and had a pretty chilled night roaming around the streets. They had a self reflective session which is kind of like a must when you're with RM. They remembered their pre debut times when they would apparently hang out near Han River and just be kids to now, when they're having drinks in their broadcasts. Bangtan has surely grown up.

They also spoke about their respective mixtapes and the burden that came with working on and releasing something as a solo artist. Having said that, RM seemed pretty confident about his (then) upcoming mixtape (which reminds me, I still haven't heard it or seen the others lyric vids). I think it's clever how they timed Bon Voyage and this episode exactly to the time after RM actually released his mixtape. I wonder how they're able to plan so ahead in time.

Coming to the second same age pair, the 95 duo. They were having fun sitting and eating, drinking together. Jimin seemed to be eager to hear Taehyung busking just the way Jungkook did in one of the previous episodes. Tae also wants to do it but it as super nervous. They did pass by a busking band and I loved how Jimin encouraged V to sing even though Tae Tae was scared to sing in front of the crowd. It showed that Jimin is really is proud of Taehyung's abilities and wants him to showcase it. I absolutely loved their interaction. Also, even though V was afraid of singing (an english song) in front of a crowd, he did an amazing job! The crowed cheered for him as well. 

Our Worldwide friendly guy Jin, on the other hand, stayed very close to the hotel and visited a local bar to drink all by himself. He put up a great show for the cam and also conversed with the locals in the bar. He made friends with the bar owner who he had met on their first day at Matla. Thereafter he had a good time with the owner. I knew for a fact that if there is any member who is capable of having fun on his own, it is Kim Seokjin. Also, after seeing this episode, I can't help but wonder how correct Stokes was when he said he can totally see Jin having a great time drinking with him and his friends (Stokes is a little on the older side just the bar owner from this episode). Also, Jin forgetting the password to his own lodging was hilarious!

Coming to our maknae, I think he did take some rest after which he decided to daringly colour his hair own his for the first time. He wanted to do something wacky so this dork decided to colour exactly half of his hair a bright red, while letting the other half remain faded blonde. He kind of looked like Tae in IDOL. But yeah, he did a good job.

The next day, JHope and JK became partners and those two along with Jimin and V went to Sliema again (but explored the place separately) while Jin and RM decided to stick to roaming around the hotel area itself. For lunch, JHope and JK went for some delicious looking nachos, tacos and quesadillas. Jin and RM  went to the restaurant where Jungkook and Jimin had been one during their first friendship trip. They spoke about the special dinner again so I'm really forward to it... and ofcourse Jin's outfit. They couldn't help but sigh at Jimin and V's food choice for the day: Mac Donalds! To be fair, those two did buy something from a store and ate that when they stumbled across the popular burger joint and also, even I would've wanted to go to Mac Donalds bro. I find their burgers very tasty.

Given their not so experimentive choice of food, they compensated it by putting up an entertaining show for the cam. They switched some parts of their outfits (mainly sunglasses and hats/caps). It was damn funny when Jimin tried to take a selfie with V but couldn't see his eyes because of the reflection on his (Tae's) glasses. Lol.

After lunch, they all met up to go for trying out flying boards on water. Jungkook and RM went first. Jungkook had some difficulty in the beginning but he got a hang of it later on, while Namjoon still looked like he was struggling till the end. V and Jimin were the next ones. Both of them quickly figured how it all worked and the former looked hella cute while taking those turns with a smile on his face. 2Seok were the last duo.  JHope seemed very hesitant and extra careful in the beginning but seem to enjoy it once he was able to control properly. The other Seok was an entertaining screaming mess as usual lol. This water sport does seem interesting but I'll pass.

Then they all went back to their hotel. Something that I feel stupid for not noticing is that there was a huge map of Malta and neighboring places on their living room. All the members (especially Jimin) had been filling the map with the pictures they had taken at that particular place. Ah.. now I understand the reason behind handing them the camera and asking them to take picutres in the first episode. They all had to pick their favourite picture. RM and V choose a group picture (sans Yoongi) that they had taken during their camping and barbecue party, while Jin choose another group picture (also sans Yoongi) that they had taken when they had a ramen party the day V arrived. JHope chose a selfie that he had taken when they first arrived in Malta and Jungkook chose a cool photo of himself, taken by RM, where he is seen driving. 

Thinking about it, the driving part of this season's Bon Voyage was really something totally different from the previous ones. It looked like it meant a lot to the boys. I think they don't get to do that back in S Korea?

Finally, when it was Jimin's turn to pick a fav pic, this sweet little boy said that his fav picture is a one that wasn't even taken. He was looking for a group picture with all the 7 members together but unfortunately they hadn't taken any. Or it would be extremely hilarious if Suga had that pic. Sugaaaaaaaa! I wish you were there with them as well.

Then they were asked to write a letter to themselves. I'm not sure whether this is a letter to a past, future or present version of themselves but I think it's the third option. They found it pretty difficult to write a letter to themselves. I think this would have been very easy for me only if I was the only person to read it. But considering you have publicize the letter... I'm not so sure. 

So I guess the next episode will be the last one of this year's Bon Voyage. It's been a great show so far. They will finally have the much awaited special dinner and I can't wait to see what it is.

Call me greedy but now that Bon Voyage is coming to an end, I really hope that the Run BTS episodes start rolling through. I absolutely love the show. They did film something at the Niagara Falls recently so that is also something to look out for.

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