21 November, 2018.

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Today was the first day I attended regular lectures since Diwali break.

So that means Gurtley and I are back to coordinating our trains.

Now that college has officially started, I have a set time table of my lectures which will remain the same every week. It includes my major, minors and degree subjects.

On Mondays,
9 to 11- Corporate Valuation
12:30 to 1:30- Export Marketing
2:30 to 4:30- Applied Statistics for Business

Total- 5 hours

On Tuesdays,
9 to 11- International Finance
11:30 to 1:30- Financial Accounts
2:30 to 4:30- Intercultural Marketing

Total- 6 hours

On Wednesdays,
11:30 to 1:30- Cost Accounting
Total- 2 hours

On Thursdays,
11:30 to 12:30- FA or CA
Total- 1 hour

On Fridays,
11:30 to 1:30- Management Accounts and Audit
Total- 2 hours

So my Mondays and Tuesdays are totally packed, except I have a 1 hour leeway on Mondays in the middle. My Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in contrast as super lax, with Thursdays questioning me whether I should even come to college on that day. Not a very spaced out it week but I have to work around it. I did it last semester.

I did pretty well in both my Finance majors (until the project atleast). I know for a fact that I have scored well in my Marketing minor. And even though I haven't seen the marks, I didn't feel like my written exams went that bad so yeah.

Oh, that reminds me. I need to submit my digital course certificates to the administration so that they can grade me for my second minor.

Today there was some event taking place for the newly opened hospitality school so all entrances were shut. Not just the entrance, we weren't allowed to be on the floor itself. They should have informed us about this much before. We weren't able to even meet out professor for the Viva because of it. And when we did see him, he seemed to be very busy.

We had our first CA lecture for the last semester. It feels great to be studying again. We did quite a lot of sums in those 2 hours of class. We went to the resident canteen to eat our food. Nothing eventful.

I decided to attend the digital marketing lecture instead of doing nothing for 2 hours. The class was okayish. He is the same professor who we had for CEM. He does seem to have a plan on place for this semester but I don't know how much of that will he be able to complete.

Soon, after class got over, Gurtley and I went to the concerned professor for our viva. Darcy was throwing too much attitude for us to wait for her. And that's when we got to know that the professor had told her in the morning that he's ready for the viva but she never mentioned it to us. I got damn pissed off because of it. I have been getting increasingly pissed off with her for the entire duration of this project and the times when Darcy is around me since college began.

She seems to have realised that she wants to do Marketing instead of Finance which is cool. People tend to take time to realise their calling. But before moving forward, you have to finish what you first started. If she had chosen Finance before, she has to still take responsibility for the project until it's done. And what she needs to understand is that there are 2 others with her. I can't wait to get done with the viva so that I can atleast stop having her around for something.

I came back home, dusted my table and updated my digital notes.

I miss Kristen. She doesn't have any lecture on Wednesdays so I wasn't able to meet her today as well.

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