9 December, 2018.

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It's Sangeet Day!

I woke up at 10AM and immediately started practicing. It's the day dude. After days of planning and practicing, the day has finally come.

I spoke to Amanda for a while. She's been trying to get hold of me since the past two days now but I've always been busy with some thing or the other. She wants to make drinking plans with me but my mom vehemently disagreed. Maybe 31st?

I got ready and left for the Sangeet Ceremony. On our way, we met Pamela and her family by coincidence. It was hilarious when our cars kept going back and forth until we decided to choose different routes to reach the venue. We reached the place and there were only a few people who had arrived. The moms and we cousins practiced a tad bit on the stage just to check out the positions after which people started filling in.

A couple of pictures and some technical arrangements later, the ceremony began. If I haven't mentioned before, a Sangeet ceremony is basically a pre-wedding function where family members take part in choreographed dance performances or just dance the night away in general. My sister and her paternal sister were the hosts. In the beginning it did feel a bit awkward because no one apart from my cousins, or sometimes me, were laughing or hooting.. contrary to what I imagined.

But it's fine, I decided to be the official hooter this time and hooted for everyone, be it someone I knew or not.

The moms' performance was the second one and it went well. Ours was right after our moms' and we were all very nervous. I guess we were nervous ever since we entered the hall today. Those pre-performance jitters you know... But our performance took place and it felt great dancing on the stage after a realllllllly long time. The last time I did a choreographed dance on stage was about 9-10 years ago. I did not forget any of the steps but my hair kept coming in front of my face which was very annoying.

The boys' dance was damn damn hilarious. Even though I have seen the dance so many times, I couldn't help but keep on laughing during their performance.

After one more performance, it was turn for only my family to perform. Since even the organising family didn't know that Alex and our moms were also going to perform with us, it came as a very pleasant surprise. Our performance was a success!! Everyone loved it! I'm so happy!

There were quite a lot of dances and surprise performances throughout the night. There were dances from the bride's maternal family, paternal family and her friends from her office and residence. There were easily more than 10 choreographed dances throughout the whole ceremony. At one point the groom (and his immediate family) also came over and the sisters also did a short impromptu performance.

Towards the end I got talking to this kid sister of mine afterwhich she just refused to leave my hand man. She took me all the way to the dining area when I was supposed to take pictures with my (older) cousins.

Since when do I have such an effect on kids?

Anyways, I think it was a very successful Sangeet Ceremony and I'm very glad that it went so well.

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now