19 December, 2018.

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Marketing Class Day 3. Today's class was much better than yesterday for some reason. Since I didn't have any other class, this was the only one I had to attend.

After class, Paul and I played a game of Mono deal again afterwhich we left for home.

Today I spent most of my time with Spencer. This time I don't feel like contributing to this project. It's very unlike me but there are people who I'm sure will take care of everything. I just need my time before I dive into projects.

Today evening, we all went out for a walk. Spencer on the other hand wanted to run instead of walking so Stella and I had to run with him. Initially we had decided to stay in the vicinity of our building but our little king put up an act when we wouldn't allow him to go outside. There were many instances where he would've fallen had no one been standing around him.

After coming back to the building, we played some more. This kid doesn't get tired man! He was continously running here and there for quite a lot of time. Was I like this when I was a kid? Maybe.

Today was their last day here tho. They will now stay at another family's place and if luck has it, we'll probably meet at one of the upcoming family functions.

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now