8 December, 2018.

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I woke up by 9:30AM and spent the entire day either making my resume or watching vids.

There were quite a few times when I was unsure whether to include certain items in my CV or chuck them. Because on one hand, they say your CV is supposed to "sell" you and on the other hand, one must be true to oneself and only highlight only the important things.

Dad helped me finalise my CV in the end so that's cool. During my internship, I had played a role in getting a proper system in place for all my writers and illustrators but I thought that was a menial task of a regular office worker which is why I didn't write it in my work description. However dad asked me not to leave out such important tasks. I also brought out all my certificates and my dad helped me in deciding which ones should go in, which ones shouldn't or which ones should go in but as a group. He has taken quiiiite a lot of interviews so I'm glad he could help me.

Now I just have to bag a (Finance) job. Hopefully I do!

In the evening, I figured out my outfit for tomorrow's Sangeet as well as the jewelry I'll pair it with. I've got shoes from Amritsar that matches my outfit completely so that's very convenient. I also looked at all other jewelry that mom and I have. I've come to a conclusion that even though I'm not happy with the clothes I used to wear/bought fore when I was younger, my taste in jewelry was amazing since the beginning. Also, I prefer the old jewelry than the ones mom has bought/ recieved now.

We also went through our shoe rack to remove the ones that were broken, no longer in use and blocking space instead of the deserving footwears. Turns out those 3 pairs only belonged to me.

I practiced all my dances quite a bit and Alex also joined me for our dance. I may have mentioned it before but I have two full dances, one with all my cousins and one only with my extended family. I have two songs with my cousins (in the same dance) and around 5 songs (one of which is a medley of 4 other songs) with my extended family so that's a lot of songs to take care of. But I know I can do it. Besides, the bride's sister is going to take part in almost all the performances so she has the most difficult task.

We left for our final practice after dinner, danced for quite some time and finalised everything. It was around 12 by the time we left for home. While leaving, my grandfather gave me bananas. It's our thing. :)

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now