20 November, 2018.

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Day 2 of college and seminar.

Today was the second day of our two day workshop. Today we learnt 6 techniques to build confidence, way of negotiation and the 7 step goal building and conquering formula. We had to think of our goals and make a table as requested for most part of the day but I wasn't able to fully do it. I think I need more time to think things through and then build on them. 

In the end we got our certificates and after a little reflection as well as a photo session, our workshop came to end. I'm glad I took this workshop but I don't think I will take any more after this. 

Coming to my viva, guess what, it didn't happen today as well. We went to him during our break but he had to go have lunch. He also asked us to revise our stuff even before looking at our report. In the end, he didn't have time for us and asked us to come tomorrow. When will this viva bullshit get over?!

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