17 December, 2018.

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We had our Finance Lecture in the morning. I'll have to start finding time to re-solve all the problems done in class before I lose hang of  the subject completely.

After our short break, we began with our week long marketing seminar with this British Professor on Sponsorship Marketing. It was a nice one. He showed us a lot of videos and explained us what he'll be covering over the week. And after the lunch break he split us into groups using different coloured buttons for a big project that we'll have to present to him at the end of the week.

I didn't understand much about the project but all I know is that I am supposed to read the 24 pager brief that the professor has given us. I haven't done it tho.

I had my Statistics lecture right after the Marketing one but I wasn't able to attend it because of the pre-placement talk. To be honest, I had no plans of giving the interview but I wanted to know exactly what they were offering. There were around 20 of us from my batch who had come for the talk and a lot of them seemed to be well versed with the markets. Atleast that's what I've realised from our Finance lectures. So even though I shouldn't have felt overwhelmed by them, I couldn't help it.

Anyways, we waited for quite a long time for the company to arrive. In the beginning we saw some seniors enter our floor but the ones who came to give the talk were 3 youngsters. First, they asked us to introduce ourselves and explain what was the reason for us to attend this placement talk. That took some time.

Later on they showed us a very long video on what the company was all about. And even after that video I wouldn't be able to fill tell you what the company was all about. After the video, they had this kind of a dialogue/ group discussion about the stock markets, people's perceptions, the problems, the inhibitions and all of those kind of topics. This conversation easily went on for more than an hour. Basically, this internship focused on educating others about the markets so that they can make informed decisions whenever they decide to invest in it.

It was around 4:45PM by the time they wrapped up. Initially it was believed that we'll be having our interviews right after the pre-placement talk but since it was too late, they asked us to submit our CVs if interested and they'd schedule an interview with us at their office whenever they have time. I didn't have a physical copy of my CV with me so I didn't submit anything.

At night, Stella called me up and asked if Alex and I would be up to meet up somewhere nearby and have some desert. Of course we went for it. Alex made a big fuss of my outfit but we finally met Stella, Parker and Pamela and had a great time.

We decided to have waffles. The others went for chocolate waffles while I wanted to have the plain one. I don't know what was wrong with me today but I kept holding my waffle in such a way that the maple syrup kept dropping here and there. Nonetheless, we had a great time discussing about the recent wedding celebrations among other things.

Stella had a sudden urge to eat pasta so we went to a restaurant which was surprisingly open even at midnight and had some pasta and starters. We had a lot of fun just taking and chilling with one another. We haven't done this in a long time now so it felt absolutely great. I just wish Scarlett was also able to join us but she left for Pune on the day of the marriage itself because of her work commitments. Let's hope for another cousins' meet soon.

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now