5 January, 2019.

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I woke up and spent quite a lot of my morning time reading the newspaper. Let's get that habit started again.

Then I looked at more bullet journal videos and finalised on everything that I wanted my bullet journal to have.

I guess my dad was right. My stomach pains were probably because of staying up too late. I slept relatively early yesterday and the pain is almost gone today.

In the afternoon I finally fucking started to even look at what's happening to the research paper. I thought I'll get some information from what's already there in the report the others have prepared which will give me a base to re-start my research. But nope, I got even more confused after trying to figure out what's going on in the report. I feel like now I'll have to re-group the things that I know and had collated to finally get a hang of this research paper again. Arghhhh!

After that I finally made the set-up of my first ever bullet journal. It looks pretty unimpressive and not at all creative but then again, I was never artistic in the first place. I also cleared my mails and unsubscribed to ones that were piling up my inbox unnecessarily.

In the evening, I got ready to go for Deborah's 21st Birthday party. Her birthday is actually tomorrow so this was a ringing in birthday. I'm so surprised that I got permission to stay at a party till midnight.

And boy, the party was LIT!

First, I met Gurtley and Kristen at their station. Gurtley's dad came to drop her at the station which I found kind of strange because even though it was dark, it was only around 7:30PM by the time we met. Then he continued being way too paranoid and started sorta interrogating me about how I'm coming back home and stuff. It got a liiiiiitle annoying after a point.

Oh and coming to Kirsten! She looks so hot! So last month, she had told me that she wants to shave off all her hair just because she wanted to. And guess what? She did it! She cut it all off! And today was the first time I saw her new look. I was surprised for sure but dude she looks great! And the confidence with which she carries her controversial look makes her even more appealing.

Anyways, we three traveled together to Deborah's party and even though we made it a point to reach later than the invitation timing (I've learnt through experience that if it's Deborah's parties, you have to arrive late), we were the second ones to arrive. We didn't mind too much tho.

I've been to the place before but today, since Deborah had booked the place, we got special VIP bands before entering. Not going to lie, I felt damn cool. :P We wished Deborah and as soon as we did so her first question- "What will y'all drink?" I had forgotten that she will have alcohol at her party. I decided to have a some vodka drink and sip on it for the entire party so that no one would ask me to take another round.

This plan was a major flop tho. As soon as more people started coming in, the shots service also began. And they don't care if you have a drink in your hand or not. I decided to let go and drink up for a change. Since these were cocktail shots, they didn't mess with your brain too much. And to be honest, I enjoyed having these with others. Besides, there was a ton of food around us so I made sure I kept munching on something from time to time. Oh the food was GREAT!

I knew almost everyone who was invited to the party so I made it a point to talk to everyone, including a mutual friend who I had met at Deborah's sister's engagement party. Paul and Nigel were also there so I spoke quite a lot with those two, ofcourse danced a lot with Nigel. There were other friends who I hadn't met in a long time so I was happy that we finally got to catch up a bit on each other's lives. Maybe it was the alcohol but I fearlessly danced in front of them as well! Everyone seemed to have fun.

We all ate, drank, danced, laughed, took pictures up until 12AM when Deborah cut the cake. People started leaving one by one after that. Even my dad came to pick us up by 12:30. We dropped Gurtley to her house as well another friend of mine and reached home well after 1AM. Unlike last time I didn't tell him that I had had alcohol but it's fine I guess.

As said before, I had a blast at this party! Thanks Deborah!

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now