12 November, 2018.

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I woke up to the article of yesterday's Anti-spitting campaign. My name and words have also been included in the article. So cool! My mom went a little over board trying to tell everyone about it. Yes, I'm happy that this has come about but since this is not something I deeply believe in and I don't know if I'll be going for another one, I don't want my name to be completely attached to it.

Anyways, we have a marriage in our family in December and I'm going to be a part of the Sangeet celebrations. Pamela and I had decided to have our own dance performance and we finally got the steps fixed today.

I reached her place a little before 11, met everyone in the family and then we got started. Pamela learnt Bharatnatyam when she was a kid and she is genuinely interested and good at dancing and choreographing so she took up the task of coming up with the steps. Not only that, she also shortlisted the songs and merged them to make one continuous song. I feel damn useless now.

Anyways, the practice began and in the beginning, it was difficult to pick up the steps. It's been quite some time since I learnt a choreography but it's good to be back to it. I know that I'm not a brilliant dancer but I put in as much efforts as I can.

Pamela and I are dancing on quite a few songs with different tempos so we have a variety of performances to show. We practiced for the entire day, ofcourse with a lunch break in the middle but yeah, we got our dance sorted for most part of the performance. Towards the end of our practice I was able to get a hang of the steps that I found difficult in the beginning. We also learnt and practiced the steps for a group dance that we're also going to be a part of.

In the end we tried fixing a dance for our mom's (who have a small part in the middle and join us in the end) but I guess we were too tired to think of any good steps by that point.

But yeah, the practice was great fun. I am going to practice a lot so I don't forget any of the steps. My grandad often goes for his evening walks so I left with him. It was around 7PM by this point. We took a bus and went to the place where my grandad usually gets us snacks from. Then he dropped me on the way back and I walked to my place.

Right now I'm in the middle of watching this Chinese movie where Exo's (ex member) Tao is the main lead. I had come across this movie soon after I got to know about Exo and it's former members. I had put the movie in my watch later list and it's just been sitting there since then. Until now. So I have watched a little bit and there seems to be some amount of mystery involved. I will watch the entire movie and then go to sleep.

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now