4 January, 2019.

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Today morning I got to know that I didn't have any lectures today. And then I realised I don't have all my text books either. Which is why I decided to pay a visit to the University yet again in hopes that I'd get all of my books this time. I got ready and left my house by 11:30AM.

On my way to the station, my phone fell off. Now I do consider myself as a responsible human being but I have mistakenly dropped my phone a lot of times before. But today, unlike previous times, my screen completely got cracked. Fuck. I was numb for the first couple of seconds.

I continued my journey to the University and got all but 1 book. I'm not sure if it's even worth visiting the place again. I have anyways photo-copied a couple of chapters from that text book. 

In the afternoon Mikayla told us that she broke up with her boyfriend of 4 and a half years. I was worried at first but relaxed when she said that she is happy now. I wanted to meet her today but she wasn't free. 

I studied so much Finance todaaay! Now I understand how the kids in my class were able to calculate so quickly. More importantly, I understand the concepts and formulae now instead of just mugging them up and applying them.

After dinner, I saw a bunch of YouTube vids and wrote down a list of all possible spreads I could use for my bullet journal. I already have a book for it so that's one main thing sorted. But I really to get on with it and actually finalize and start with the journal if I want to check if it works for me or not.

An Outlet: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now