Part 2: Welcome

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"Okay class we have a new student joining us today so please be nice to him and give him a warm welcome." The teacher said nodding towards Yoongi to introduce himself.

Yoongi paused for a moment not really liking talking to large groups of humans before tiredly saying "Hello my name is Min Yoongi it's nice to meet you."

He bowed slightly as the class gave a mini welcoming applause.

The teacher scanned across the classroom before a small smile spread across her lips as she said "Park Jimin please raise your hand."

The short, blonde haired boy did so; raiding his smol hand up as a sweet eye smile spread across his face.

"Yoongi you can go sit next our class rep Jimin-ah." Yoongi nodded walking over to the admittedly attractive boy, sitting down silently as the seemingly nice boy smiled and introduced himself.

"Hello Yoongi, my names Jimin and I'm your class rep. If you have any questions or anything I can show you around."

Yoongi turned to face the boy confused as to why he was being spoken to so just nodded and quietly said "Thank you." Before pulling a book out of his bag and beginning to read.

The class went on with no one listening.

Everybody was talking about the handsome, pale, dark haired boy who had just joined their class.

Yoongi tried to focus on his book but all the talking was to distracting and he didn't really feel like whipping out his new headphones and risk them being confiscated.

Honestly he hated how much attention he got but that had always been a common theme due to his naturally cute appearance.

Yoongi quickly became more paranoid as people started asking others questions about him, nobody knowing anything due to his successful attempt of hiding all information about himself.

He didn't even have social media.

The class carried on until the teacher said they could finish twenty minutes early as long as they stayed in the class, the volume in the room instantly going up.

"Hi." A boy with a bunny smile said as he turned around.

Yoongi looked up at him glancing back down to his book before rolling his eyes knowing he wouldn't be able to read it, eventually respond "Hi." Back.

The bunny smiled boy reached his hand forward as he introduced himself.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook, I should be in the year below but I'm not so yeah. Let's both take care of each other hyung." The boy said happily.

Yoongi looked at his hand before sighing and taking it, not really wanting to move.

"Lets." Was all Yoongi replied as he retracted his hand just wanting to go to bed since it was really bright outside.

Yoongi was hoping he'd be left alone after that but unfortunately it didn't appear to be his lucky day.

"So where are ya from?" Jungkook asked turning around fully, resting his arms on the back of his chair.

Yoongi stopped for a moment before deciding he could give away the location of where he was born just not where he'd lived recently so answered "Daegu."

He would of asked back but the boys thick dialect and the school they were in made it obvious but apparently not obvious enough as the boy then said "That's so far away. I'm from Busan."

Yoongi zoned out on the next part as an idea popped into his head for a song he'd been working on, writing it down until he noticed the boy had stopped talking.

He looked up seeing a well drawn picture of a buff bunny.

He looked to the younger confusedly as he carefully said "It's a good drawing." Not sure what he was being asked.

The boy in front of hims face lit up with the bunny smile reappearing as he said "So you think it looks like me too?"

Yoongi's eyes widened at the realisation so just slowly nodded as he confusedly said "A buff bunny."

Jungkook's smile got brighter as he explain "Jin hyung has been working out with me and everyone says I look like a bunny and I got bored so boom. Bunny."

The younger chuckled and Yoongi couldn't help a smile creep on to his face as he always had a soft spot for people younger than him like his -basically family- friend Kim Taehyung.

"You kinda look like a cat hyung." Jungkook said tilting his head slightly and putting his hands up in a box like he was angling for a picture.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as his small smile grew since what the other just said was similar to what Taehyung had said to him when they were younger.

"Yeah especially when you smile." Jungkook said chuckling before turning more to the side and shouting "Jimin hyung!"

Yoongi recalled who that was so looked to the person next to him who turned to face the two with a kind smile.

"What's up Jungkookie?" Jimin asked wondering why he was called.

"Don't you think Yoongi hyung looks like a cat?" Jungkook asked in a serious and shocked voice like he was becoming more surprised with his realisation.

Jimin looked at Yoongi's face who was looking at Jungkook confused before smirking and answering "Yep like a cute kitten."

Yoongi turned to face Jimin who was happily leaning on his hand and analysing the others face.

"We should style your hair into cat ears hyung. You'll look so cute and Jin hyung would literally scream and try and adopt you." Jungkook said excitedly as he clapped his own hands amused by himself.

Jimin explained "Jin hyung is in another class, he's one of the eldest people in our year and is very handsome. You'll be able to notice him easily because he has the widest shoulders in the school."

Yoongi nodded now having context as Jungkook chirped in "World wide shoulders."

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle at what Jungkook had said because it was so unexpected.

Jimin smiled at the boy in front of him and spoke his thoughts out loud saying "You look even more handsome when you smile."

Yoongi had to admit he was a bit surprised by the compliment and could also feel heat going to his cheeks which made him more thankful that first class was over - a lot quicker than expected.

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