Part 3: Bathroom

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After running out of his class quickly, Yoongi checked his schedule and saw he had a class in the same classroom as his tutor room - making him feel stupid for leaving so taking the chance to look for toilets since he had fifth teen minutes.

Upon entering the bathroom he found his two friends in the empty bathroom.

"Yo Yoongi hyung." Namjoon said as he learnt against the counter.

"What brings you to our bathroom of gay panic?" Hoseok asked before chuckling as Namjoon hit his arm.

"Who we gay panicking over?" Yoongi said placing his bag down and jumping on the counter.

"You won't know him yet but when you see him you'll know." Namjoon said running his hands through his hair.

Yoongi looked to Hoseok raising an eyebrow so he answered the question saying "A hot guy called Jin. You should've seen Namjoon when he introduced himself."

Yoongi recalled the name and stupidly said "World wife shoulders?" Quoting what Jungkook said but it wasn't noticed as the boys were already going on about him since Yoongi had a vague idea.

"He's so handsome Yoongi. Like he's not even a vampire but he's hot. Like I'm Bi but he's sent me into straight up gay panic." Namjoon said in a seriously conflicted voice.

Yoongi sighed knowing he'd have to ask anyways so questioned "Why do you seem so sad about it?" After saying "There's nothing straight about gay panic." Which he got a "Amen." From Hoseok.

Namjoon sighed at Yoongi's question so Hoseok once again answered "We're trying to keep a low profile. Dating arguably the most attractive human I've ever seen would be the opposite of a low profile."

Yoongi nodded as he thought for a moment before attempting to comfort him by saying "From the looks of things we'll get attention anyways."

Hoseok grew concerned and asked "How so?" Considering it was the opposite of what they wanted.

Yoongi sighed before explaining "All through that class people were talking about how attractive I was even though I was quiet, now imagine how they'll react to you two of you paid attention to the world around you when your together."

Hoseok's and Namjoon's faces both formed a 'O' shape as they realised that people were staring before Hoseok stayed the obvious "I forgot we were handsome."

Yoongi chuckled shaking his head as he messed up both of the youngers hair.

"I have to go back to class otherwise I'll be late. I'll meet you both up later, where's your classes?" Yoongi said deciding he'd be a responsible hyung and find the others.

Hoseok and Namjoon got their timetable out showing Yoongi who nodded as he said "We're together."

Their faces all lit up until Yoongi said "I'm gonna give you warning now."

Both boys expected it to be something about the teacher but what Yoongi said next caused them all to laugh.

"There's two guys in that class who are talkative and I'm pretty sure Jungkook will talk to anyone. Their nice but like be prepared. Theirs also some attractive people in there."

Namjoon stopped laughing first as he said "I expected something like the teachers horrible not that. Plus my standards are now high."

They all left together and went to class, Yoongi retaking his seat and Hoseok and Namjoon sitting behind since they didn't have to introduce themselves in main classes.

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