Part 21: Catch up

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"And that's how we ended up with two puppies." Yoongi said explaining the entirety of events from the party.

Namjoon was the first to speak saying "So in short Jimin knows your a vampire and Taehyung talked you into getting a dog?"

Hoseok completing the sentence saying "And you both couldn't choose between two dogs so instead of getting non like normal people you got both?"

Yoongi nodded as his new chocolate coated mini poodle ran across his lap.

"Okay. And Jimin didn't care about you being a vampire?" Namjoon wanted to confirm.

Yoongi nodded in response explaining "He was more concerned over the puppies names than nearly getting bitten."

"Yet another reason to love Park Jimin." Hoseok said with a sunshine smile before he stood up patting his knees then declaring "Min Holly, come."

The small puppy ran up to Hoseok instantly recognising it's name and jumping up causing the boy to cuddle it because of it's cuteness.

"What time will Taehyung get back with Yeontan since he's taken him on a walk?" Namjoon asked Yoongi who was happily watching his puppy and friend play.

"Anytime really. There only in the back garden, you don't think Taehyung would actually willing leave the house do you?" Yoongi said looking at Namjoon for a moment before going back to his beloved puppy.

Namjoon dat with a blank face for a moment before calling out "Taehyung!"

Not to long after the boy entered the room carrying his puppy in his arms.

"Hiya hyungs. This is Yeontan my child." Taehyung introduces the dog as making it wave its paw.

Hoseok cooed going over with Holly in his arms.

"I approve of everything that happened at that party." Hoseok said with a sunshine smile as the dogs both excitedly barked at him.

"Does Jimin know about us?" Namjoon asked causing Yoongi to shake his head and say "As far as I know. No."

Namjoon nodded making a mental note to tell him.

"Well for now let's just play with the puppies." Hoseok said happily giving both affection.

Taehyung nodded in agreement and thus all the boys ending up on the floor playing with the two puppies, trying to teach them tricks and putting their collars on them.

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