Part 19: Party

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"Taemin!" Ji-yong shouted as he dragged Yoongi and Taehyung in with him.

"Ah GD! It's so nice to see you again it's been way to long. And it's nice to see both of you too even if you don't want to be here Yoongi." Taemin said with a smile specifically teasing the older of the two boys.

"Thank you for having us Taemin hyung." Taehyung said bowing respectfully even though he wanted to go back home.

Yoongi said "Thanks." Not really wanting to be there either but was dragged out by Ji-Yong.

"You should both go have some fun, you both really need it since you've been living in that tiny apartment and not going anywhere." Taemin teased as Ji-Yong threw arms over them both saying "If you manage to stay for a hour I'll pay for the train tickets for you and some friends so you can visit Home."

Taehyung's eyes lit up as Yoongi just poured looking around for places to hide since he knew Taehyung would want to stay for the tickets alone.

"Good luck- Oh hey look. Isn't that the cute boy you brought into my shop who was hurt. Jimin was it?" Ji-Yong said pointing at the boy who was stood with his mother.

Yoongi and Taehyung both looked over, Taehyung shouting "Jiminie!" And waving happily at him before running over to the boy who was eye smiling back.

Taemin he'd on to Yoongi arm stopping him from going and hiding before then saying "It's okay to let people in."

Yoongi sighed heavily as he was being pushed in the direction of the two boys then walking over.

"Hiya hyung." Jimin greeted as Taehyung hugged Jimin's arm.

"Hi." Yoongi said looking around making sure he knew no one else.

"Ignore him Jiminie he doesn't want to be here. He wanted to stay home but Ji-Yong hyung dragged us out so he's being moody." Taehyung said with an adorable boxy smile.

"Same my Eomma dragged me too since it was my uncle Taemin's party." Jimin confessed letting out a held in sigh.

"Well at least your not standing on your own awkwardly in a corner now." Taehyung said optimistically.

"Your right three of us are stood together awkwardly in a corner now." Yoongi correct making Taehyung playfully kick him.

Jimin chuckled at what Yoongi said, noticing that he was avoiding eye contact and still had the same guilty look on his face as they had on the roof top, Yoongi not being in school since it happened.

"Are you feeling better?" Jimin asked hoping the reason Yoongi stayed off wasn't because of him.

Yoongi still avoided eye contact as he simply said "Yep." Pausing for a moment before asking "You?"

Jimin nodded and Taehyung instantly picked up on the tension recalling what Namjoon told him over the phone about something happening in school so assumed it was between the two.

Luckily for Taehyung his escape from the awkward situation came quickly as Ji-yong mouthed puppies at him then pointing to the kitchen where Taehyung said he wanted to 'get a drink' from.

This leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone.

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