Part 24: Questions

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Jimin left his house around half ten and managed to get to Yoongi's just after eleven.

He knocked on the door a few times but got no response, only hearing the little putter patter of footsteps and barking.

Jimin tried again but got the same so decided he'd call his hyung which he was surprisingly nervous about - but to be fair he was nervous after their conversation last night which is why he didn't sleep to well.

The phone rang three times before Yoongi picked up groggily saying "Hello?"

Jimin chuckled before saying "I'm out side hyung I can come back later though if you want more sleep."

Yoongi grumbled before replying "No I'm coming to the door now. Just give me a few minutes to finish getting dressed."

Jimin chuckled at how low Yoongi's voice was in comparison to normal and he could tell he just woke up.

He heard the door he unlock then it slowly opened as Yoongi stepped backwards to let Jimin in.

"Come in." Yoongi said still with the phone to his ear which made Jimin laugh more as he hung up.

That was the moment Jimin realises Yoongi was only in his boxers, socks and shirt.

He tried not to let his flusteredness show so avoided eye contact as they both began casually talking.

"So have you only just woke up then?" Jimin asked as he busied himself getting cuddles to the excited puppies which were jumping on the couch.

"I set an alarm at nine then started getting dress but fell asleep with one ankle in my pants so it was easier to just kick it off and answer the door like this." Yoongi said yawning and waddling back off into what Jimin assumes was his room.

"Why didn't you just put them on?" Jimin asked slightly confusing but chuckling nonetheless.

Yoongi sigh echoed throughout the apartment as he complained "Because their super skinny jeans and I have a butt."

Jimin has noticed that before but never really thought about it just appreciating a good butt in silence on his own.

"Maybe don't wear super skinny jeans then?" Jimin suggested getting a surprising response from Yoongi which was "If you've got it show it.l

Yoongi came hopping into the room trying to pull the pants over his but as he searched the room with his eyes looking for a belt.

Min Holly ran over to the table grabbing it then taking it to the elder once he managed to zip them up.

Yoongi petted the pup thanking it with a baby voice before putting the belt on.

"You do have a butt." Jimin said slightly surprised how big it was deciding the school pants didn't do it justice.

"Thank you. I really appreciate the acknowledgment." Yoongi said being sincere since he was proud of it.

"Do you wan a drink or anything before we go?" Yoongi offered walking into the kitchen to grab himself some blood.

Jimin politely replied "No thank you." As both puppies jumped up on him giving his face kisses.

"Cute." Yoongi said sitting on the couch facing Jimin since the rest of the one he was on had dog toys.

Yoongi opened the strawberry milk cartoon which stored the blood.

Jimin looked over with a question that had been playing on his mind repeating itself again.

"Hyung?" Jimin asked letting curiously get the better of him.

Yoongi hummed in response looking op at him innocently.

"You know when your in school like you eat normal food, isn't that like bad for you? Plus I've never seen you with blood." Jimin said confused by his diet.

Yoongi swallowed what he had in his mouth before saying "This is blood." Raising the carton then explaining "Vampires can eat human food as long as their on a good diet with blood since it's like an evolutionary trait for survival."

Jimin nodded then asked "Is that why you didn't eat your dinner that day?" Which Yoongi nodded in response to still feeling guilty but a lot less in comparison.

"Why didn't you eat?" Jimin asked growing more curious.

Yoongi took another sip as he thought before saying "We only had enough food in for either me or Taehyung so I gave it to Tae. I'd have shared it if we weren't already rationing out the blood but since we were I gave it all to Taehyung."

Jimin nodded in understanding, taken aback from his hyungs act of kindness saying "That's really kind of you."

Yoongi shook his head saying "It's the least I could do since he didn't ask for this."

Jimin grew more confused as Yoongi shook his head, drinking the rest of the carton in one go before jumping up and saying "Let's her ready to go."

Jimin nodded getting up with both dogs jumping off of him and going to Yoongi who grabbed their leads.

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