Part 49: Love

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Jimin was now stood at that mysterious door that Yoongi choose to ignore wondering why his hyung left him a mysterious note telling him to meet him there.

He knocked on the door gently twice, it opening itself slightly.

Jimin pushed it more peeking his head in as he called out "Hyung?" Getting no response.

He stepped fully into the dark room when the door closed behind him leaving him stood in now pitch black room.

Jimin's heart stopped for a moment when he felt a breath on his neck but he recognised who it was almost instantly.

Two manly arms wrapped around his waist back hugging him as they stood in the darkness.

"Hello my Jiminie." Yoongi said in a low and raspy voice which sent chills down Jimin's spine.

Jimin quietly replied "Hiya my Yoongi hyung." Chuckling at what he said.

They stood their enjoying the others warmth until Yoongi finally broke the silence asking "Do you trust me?"

Jimin nodded realising Yoongi couldn't see so blushed, thankful it was dark, then replying "yes."

Yoongi than took Jimin's hands moving in front of him pulling him somewhere which Jimin wouldn't have been able to navigate to on his own.

Jimin didn't question it since he trusted his hyung unconditionally, not even asking why he was walking up a stair case which was to short to take them up a full floor.

Jimin then noticed a small red light coming from the direction they were walking, Yoongi placing him in a seat near by with something in front of it.

Yoongi took a seat next to him pulling something which in response opened a giant curtain allowing the dim room to be filled with moon light.

Jimin could finally make out some shapes of things mainly being in the area he was in, the most noticeable being a brown piano that looked well loved.

Jimin went to question Yoongi but was stopped by the sound of the piano beginning to play which instantly entranced him and captured his full attention.

Yoongi began to play a melody which was clearly filled with emotion as it brought tears to both of their eyes - Jimin practically bawling by the end.

Once the sweet melody ended Yoongi turned to Jimin with the moon light hitting his face, lovingly saying "That song is for you."

A song which Jimin recognised so min love, pain and emotion was written for him by the man he loved and honestly he felt like he stepped into Yoongi's world with that song.

Yoongi carried on explaining "That song starts from the moment I met you until how I feel now which I can only expect to carry on forever as I love you so much."

"It starts with my shaky uneasiness on how to approach you then how we ended up closer even if it was unlikely like the melody, but it still fit perfect." Yoongi said, Jimin sweetly saying "perfectly imperfect." Which brought a smile to Yoongi's lips.

"It grows like we have in multiple ways with the melody transforming like we have as people and then I tried to fill it with all the ways you've made me feel but it's hard to truest translate how much love I have for you into one small song. With how much inspiration you give me I could write a full symphony." Yoongi said chuckling.

"I also wrote you this." Yoongi said sliding Jimin a piece of paper.

Jimin read every word and took it all in, how everything built up to what was said in the end and how it was so perfect.

Words couldn't describe the letter when in reality all it was words - but they were words that meant so much to Jimin.

Tears formed in his eyes as he hugged his lover kissing him passionately as he whispered "I'll stay with you, always and forever."

Yoongi chuckled knowing exactly why Jimin said that tearing up himself because it was such a Jimin response kissing his boyfriend sweetly.

Jimin chuckled, his heart filled with love, as he stated "You should tell me how much you love me more often. I could get used to this. I'm also pretty sure you e told everyone else you love them more times than you've told me." Which caused Yoongi to laugh knowing it was true since he always got flustered telling the other.

They shared another kiss, this one longer and filled with more love and passion than their prior.

Their kiss saying more than words could.

They both knew what they had was special, maybe even deemed by fate, but even if it wasn't fate it was undeniably beautiful.

They loved each other and over came stigmas being it sexuality or existence as a whole.

All that mattered was them.

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