Part 27: Inconvenience

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He began to repeatedly kiss that one spot gently, progressively getting more ruff and reckless with his kisses as Yoongi's hand traveled to his waist.

Yoongi held his breath at the sensation, being thankful his legs weren't being pinned like his body was.

Jimin began to suck on that one spot causing Yoongi gasp trying his best to stay silent.

Jimin had already gone over the boundary he gave himself before beginning - just planning on one quick kiss - so decided to tease his hyung who had started to tease him back the night before.

Jimin pulled away for a moment to catch his breath before returning, licking over the spot he'd been attacking causing Yoongi to groan "Fuck."

Jimin pulled away with a mischievous smile feeling accomplished and proud of the affect he'd obviously had on his hyung *cough cough.

"So did you expect that?" Jimin asked innocently his face blushing a strong shade of crimson.

Yoongi poured slightly at the loss of contact but smiled when his eyes landed on the boy on top of him.

He shook his head and watched as Jimin's eyes lit up as he climbed off of him happily.

Jimin was about to say something when his phone began to ring causing him to answer it without checking the ID.

"Hellooo?" Jimin said cutely as Yoongi sat up no longer being attacked by the dogs which had happily ran away.

The woman's voice greeted "Hello Jiminie, my friends are coming over tonight for a party and we kind of need to use your room for a guest bedroom because. Well..."

"You don't need to explain eomma but there's a slight problem." Jimin said back making eye contact with Yoongi for a brief moment before looking away blushing again.

"And that is?" Yooni asked genuinely curious.

"I have no were I can stay if your using my room." Jimin said bluntly causing Yoongi to start paying attention the conversation and not just the nervous boy.

"What do you mean no where to stay? You can stay at your friends can't you?" She asked genuinely surprised since normally Jimin would just go and stay with Jin who would be more than happy to have him.

"Jin hyung is busy and so is Jungkook so I can't stay with either of them." Jimin explained sighing knowing the couch and inflatable bed would be taken too.

Yooni thought for a moment as Yoongi tried to understand the conversation from what Jimin was saying.

"How about that cute friend of yours? Yoongi I believe his name was, but to be honest I was to distracted by his face and voice to pay attention to what he was saying." His mother admitted.

Jimin instantly face palmed complaining "You can't talk about my friends like that eomma. And I don't want to inconvenience Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi figures out what was going on so said "You can stay here?" Still not one hundred percent certain but it was worth a shot.

Jimin was surprised at the offer, especially after what had just literally happened, so froze as his mother asked "Ah is Yoongi with you now? Be a dear and put it on speaker please Jiminie."

Jimin wasn't sure how to compute what was happening so just put his phone on speaker so his mother could speak.

"Hello Yoongi dear, is it really okay for Jimin to stay with you for tonight? I don't want to force him on you." She said politely.

Yoongi reassured "It's fine, really. It would be lovely to have Jimin over, plus I owe him some kimchi."

Jimin's eyes widened at the prospect of Kimchi so he decided to not object - also because he had the feeling he'd loose anyways.

"Ah thank you sweetie, you should stay over sometime too. You can share Jiminie's bed. I'm so sorry I can't stay and chat I really should be getting ready now. Thank you again and have a nice evening. Goodbye to you both. Kisses." Then she hung up before either boy could answer.

Jimin finally held eye contact with Yoongi who was staring at him happily anyways.

"Let's get to know each other better tonight then mr Unpredictable." Yoongi said with a mischievous smirk before standing up saying "I'll be back in a few."

Jimin nodded letting his hyung go and sort out his situation as he typed nervously on his phone informing Jin and Jungkook what he just did and what was happening.

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