Part 14: Yooni

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After a few minute of running they finally stopped outside of a nice house.

Jimin rang the door bell as Yoongi pretended to catch his breath even though it really didn't really affect him.

"I'll head off now then, now your home safe." Yoongi said about to step out from under the protecter and into the rain.

Before he could Jimin grabbed his arm pulling him back and insisting "I'm buying you a taxi, your not running all the way home in this you'll catch a cold."

Yoongi was surprised that Jimin cared enough to make sure he didn't get ill when he should only be thinking about himself and that he was okay.

Before Yoongi could insist further the door opened and a friendly looking woman who looked similar to Jimin opened the door.

"Get inside both of you you'll catch colds not wearing a coat." The woman said sighing and guiding both in with a gentle push on their shoulders.

"I'll go get you both towels then you can introduce me to your friend Jimin." The woman said rushing off and Yoongi froze at the door.

"Now you have to wait because your already inside." Jimin said with a cheeky smile which Yoongi just shook his head at.

They took off their shoes and entered inside, Yoongi following Jimin since he had no clue what he was doing there since he only intended on getting the other home.

The woman re-emerged with towels, throwing one at he sons face then carefully helping Yoongi dry his hair which he thanked her for.

"Jiminie, you should have phoned me and I'd have picked you both up. You shouldn't have made your friend run out in the rain he could get ill." The woman scolded Jimin nodding and listening.

The woman let out a sigh before holding out her hand to Yoongi introducing herself saying "I'm Yooni Park, Jimin's eomma. It's nice to meet you."

Yoongi took her hand bowing respectfully as he said "I'm Min Yoongi, I'm a friend of your sons from school."

Her eyes lit up a little as she looked at Jimin who shyly nodded.

She bowed back to Yoongi saying "Thank you for taking care of my son and looking after him."

After that she instructed both boys to take a seat which they did as she went and got drinks for the two boys.

"She's nice." Yoongi said looking to Jimin who had a shy smile on his face.

"Ah so now you go shy and quiet." Yoongi teased trying to help distract the boy from his obvious internal monologue of panic.

Jimin just shushed him as his face went red.

Jimin's Mum came back into the room with the drink handing them to the bus who thanked her then sitting down across from them.

"So Yoongi, Jimin never really talks about school at home. How's he doing during the day?" Yooni asked politely.

Yoongi looked at Jimin with a smirk appearing on his face knowing he could probably get Jimin in trouble which Jimin also picked up on as grabbed Yoongi's arm and started pulling him up as he said "We're gonna go talk up stairs eomma. Thank you."

Yoongi thanked her and bowed as he was being dragged out of the room by a surprisingly strong Jimin.

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