Part 25: Dog walking

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Jimin and Yoongi both left Yoongi's house with the dogs and started their unplanned walk deciding they'd just follow the dogs.

"So have you got any plans yet for the holidays hyung?" Jimin asked trying to make small talk and avoid al the people who were starring at the pair.

"Plans? No not really. I'll probably just lounge about and mope for a week since I don't really have anything else I can do." Yoongi said before asking the same "How about you?"

Jimin shook his head answering saying "Nope. Nothing. My Eomma has a load of parties this week so I'll probably just lock myself in my room and stare at a wall. I'd go annoy my uncle Taemin but I don't think I can survive much more of his teasing."

Yoongi chuckled before saying "So he's always like that then?" Which Jimin nodded sadly too.

"Cheer up. It could be worse. He could be giving you motivational speeches constantly about stepping outside of your comfort zone." Yoongi said nudging Jimin's arm a little making his frown turn into a small smile.

"Honestly I'd prefer that too him teasing me. I miss his talks in comparison." Jimin said causing Yoongi to shake his head.

"That man only gets more persistent." Yoongi said in a dramatically disappointed voice which caused Jimin to chuckle and exit his deep thoughts.

Yoongi decided to change the topic of their conversation to something more serious asking "Have you spoken to your mother yet?" Looking at Jimin with genuine curiosity.

Jimin looked down and shook his head knowing he was supposed to do it but just couldn't bring himself too.

Yoongi was about to offer encouragement but before he could a familiar high pitch female voice called out "JIMIN OPPAAAAA!"

Jimin turned not recognising the voice where as Yoongi stayed facing forward knowing it all too well.

"Fuck..." Jimin said under his breath being judged on his arm by Yoongi scolding him saying "Don't let such ugly words come out of such a pretty mouth."

Jimin bushed slightly until attention was brought back to the girl and her friend.

"Hiya Oppa~ Are you okay, your face is all flushed?" Jahee asked in a sickly sweet voice not acknowledging Yoongi's existence which he was thankful for, crouching down and playing with both of the scared dogs.

"Uhh I'm fine... and you?" Jimin asked forgetting his social skills since he was out of school and not emotionally or mentally prepared.

"I'm great now that I've seen you." She chirped with a attempt at a sickly sweet smile which in Yoongi's opinion was sickly but he polite enough not to call her out.

"What are you doing down town, I thought you lived far away?" Jahee asked holding her hands behind her back and twisting her leg trying to be cute.

'Creepy' Yoongi thought noticing the fact that Jimin didn't know she knew where he lived.

"I'm helping my friend walk his dogs." Jimin said looking to Yoongi for help realising he wasn't going to get it when he saw Yoongi trying to stay out of the conversation.

She reached down to try and pet Holly but the pup jumped up into Jimin's arms from jumping on Yoongi's knee to stop her from touching him.

She gave the dog a dirty look which luckily Yoongi didn't see due to facing away before standing back up properly.

"What's it's name?" She asked trying to seem interested.

Jimin replied "Holly." As he cuddled the shaking dog.

Jahee wanted to compliment Jimin but decided she'd have to pretend to like the dog so said "She's so cute-"

Instantly being corrected by Yoongi who was bored of them talking - and getting slightly jealous - correcting "He."

She gave Yoongi a dirty look and said "Why would you name your male dog and females name?" In a snappy voice.

Yoongi sighed before saying "Because Jiminie here really liked the name Holly when we were brainstorming non Korean names, so I choose his choice."

The other girl who was there instantly cooed at Yeontan who was giving Yoongi's face kisses.

"Why's this cuties name?" She asked genuinely invested in the fluff ball which what Tannie So Yoongi politely answered "This is Yeontan."

"Can I stroke him?" She asked getting a nod off Yoongi.

Yeontan chirped up at the attention he was receiving making Yoongi smile to see the puppy happy.

Jimin hater to admit how cute the three of them looked and apparently so did Min Holly who hopped down and started running around Yoongi's and Jimin's feet in a eight motion.

Yoongi went to step back from the girl since he was about to say how they should get going but ended up making Jimin fall due to their feet now being tied together.

Yoongi managed to catch Jimin by his waist, securely holding him up with one hand and holding Yeontan and Holly's lead in the other.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked as Jimin held onto his own chest face planting into Yoongi's shoulder.

"I just nearly had a heart attack." Jimin said breathlessly then adding "Thank you for catching me."

Yoongi nodded looking down at their feet then looking to his puppy who was playing innocent looking up at him with a slightly tilted head.

"Let's get untangled." Yoongi said as Jimin stepped away from him with one foot since the other was connected.

Both boys kneeling trying to untangle their side since Yeontan's lead also got caught.

"Awe Holly is so cute too." The girl said holding her hand out for the puppy who went over shyly then accepting the pets.

"More like untrained. Who would let their dog run around like a wild animal tying two peoples legs together." Jahee complained causing both Jimin and Yoongi to look up at her, Yoongi looking pissed and Jimin looking surprised.

The other girl sighed before pulling Jahee's arm saying "It was nice seeing you both and the puppies but we should go now. Have a nice day." Mad at her friend for how she was acting.

Yoongi and Jimin both watched in disbelief as they left both saying "Bye." Quietly as the walked away.

Both looked down at the same time to untangle themselves and ended up head butting in a failed attempt at getting free causing both to fall on the floor properly, then laughing.

They managed to untie themselves not to long after and Yoongi couldn't help but reward Holly due to the fact he got them both to leave.

They carried on their walk and ended up walking for a hour and half before finally getting back to Yoongi's Home.

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