Part 34: Talking

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"Hyung will you please come in with me?" Jimin asked as Yoongi stood outside his home with him, noticing the cars outside remembering how people were staying over.

"Maybe we shouldn't have left so early... sure but I'm leaving before you talk to your mum that should jus be both of you since you feel like it needs saying." Yoongi said getting both a nod and a sigh from Jimin.

They both stepped inside being greeted by a bunch of women gathered in the living room.

"Well well well if it isn't the handsome Min Yoongi and the gorgeous Park Jimin who takes after his mother." Yooni greeted with an eye smile similar to Jimin's.

Yoongi bowed respectfully as Yooni hugged her son before then pulling Yoongi into a hug.

"Thank you for taking care of my Jiminie last night. I hope monopoly didn't cause any sound complaints from neighbours... because of arguments..." Yooni said her face clearly showing how much she was concentrating on her words.

Jimin caught on instantly his face saying 'really?' as Yoongi innocently said "We didn't play monopoly in the end because we were tired from dog walking."

Yooni raised an sceptical eyebrow before glancing at Jimin who walked fine past her, nodding as he pulled Yoongi into the house properly.

"Is anyone in my room Eomma?" Jimin asked as his mother shook her head giving both boys a gentle smile as Jimin then said "We'll sit upstairs until your friends leave."

Upon entering the bedroom Jimin closed the door behind him sliding down it with his head in hands, Yoongi crouching down next to him as Jimin said "She knows."

Yoongi ran his hand through Jimin's hair just being greatful he had never been in the position Jimin was since he never really had a family due to Ji-Yong raising him as far back as he remembered.

After an hour everyone left including Yoongi leaving just Jimin and his mother in the house.

Jimin new tweed the kitchen where his mother was cooking, playing nervously with his hands before finally speaking saying "Hey."

Yooni turned around with a worried face before saying "Hey? I know that Hey. That Hey means that there's something upsetting you that's making you worried."

She stopped what she was doing turning the taps off and wiping her hands as she went over to Jimin, sitting him down on a stool then sitting next to him.

"Tell Eomma what's wrong my little angel." She said placing her hands on Jimin's to comfort him.

"You know don't you?" Jimin said not really sure what else to say.

Yooni was confused for a moment but quickly pieced or together and nodded saying "I've been waiting for my baby boy to tell me all about the boy he likes since the start of the school year."

Jimin's eyes widened at how long she'd known but then realised it would've been longer so asked "How long?" Feeling more nervous.

She sighed as she thought making Jimin feel more nervous which she noticed straight away instantly feeling stupid even though she didn't mean it like that.

After a while she finally spoke saying "I think it was when you were being badly bullied in that shi-rubbish school that I was told by a teacher who said that's why you were being bullied when I asked. We moved about a week later."

Jimin nodded looking down further thinking he had troubled his mother.

Yooni scooted her chair closer to Jimin then saying "I never said anything because I thought I didn't need to."

Jimin looked up at her confused before asking "Aren't you disappointed that your sons disgusting?" Quoting one of the many names he was given.

She gasped in shock before quickly saying "Don't you dare think for a second like that."

She cupped Jimin's face saying "You are my beautiful baby boy and I could never be disappointed in you. I've been waiting for years for you to bring home a handsome boy like you did those pretty girls who you didn't really like. I don't care if you like boys or girls all I care about is you being happy and I don't want you to ever feel the way you did at that school now your older. I want you to come home and introduce me to an amazing person who loves you for you and you love him for him back. My baby deserves only the best."

Jimin felt relief spread throughout his whole body with doubt still lingering until she pulled him into her arms.

"I know exactly what your thinking and don't. I've loved you the same as I've always had and your the thing I love most I the world. You probably wouldn't have known I knew I it wasn't for my fellow Y, Yoongi."

The last of Jimin's doubt left him as he melted into his mothers arms deciding it wasn't as bad as he built it up to be, leaving only one last question that he obviously knew the answer to since his uncle Taemin was well yeah.

"How do you feel about vampires?"

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