Part 35: Wednesday

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"Yoongi?" Jimin said recognising the boy across the aisle from him.

Yoongi turned around hearing his name then facing in the direction of the slightly taller boy.

"Jimin?" Yoongi said walking towards the boy not expecting to see him.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked genuinely confused why Yoongi was at a normal food store since he didn't need the food since he drank blood and didn't need to fake it because of no school.

Yoongi froze before a light pink spread across his cheek then mumbling "I'm just shopping."

Jimin chuckled before asking "What for?" Curiously.

Yoongi looked down in his basket before saying "Food?" Sounding uncertain.

Jimin raised as eyebrow teasingly as he smirked asking "Are you sure about that?" Due to how indecisive Yoongi was acting.

Yoongi nodded then noticing Jimin glancing into the basket so hiding it behind his back quickly.

Jimin raised his eye brow again as he took a step closer to Yoongi looking looking down at his slouching hyung.

Jimin thought for a moment before deciding to propose his idea which he was going to say over text later with his mother there for moral support since she'd been so encouraging and supportive literally straight away after Jimin telling her.

He asked "Hyung do you want to go for a picnic with me on Wednesday?" Flashing a eye smile trying to hide the fact he was extremely nervous about asking trying to keep a calm and cool demeanour.

Yoongi was slightly surprised at how forward Jimin was but he could tell the the younger was nervous due to his shaking hands and avoidance of eye contact.

Nevertheless he still couldn't help a gummy smile appearing on his face accepting instantly saying "Sounds good." Watching as Jimin let out a small sigh of relief.

"You can bring the dogs to so they can get another walk in." Jimin said chuckling lightly still looking down on the floor until he heard his mother calling for him so quickly saying "Honestly save yourself and run away before she gets here. I'll see you on Wednesday." Then smiling - hesitating for a moment maybe to kiss his cheek - but then just leaving.

--- --- --- --- ---

Wednesday came around quick and Jimin and Yoongi had both agreed on taking soon food each since Yoongi insisted on it being more 'normal' which instantly made Jimin more protective comforting and validating him saying vampires are normal too - and definitely not feared by pretty much everyone.

The group chat blew up since Yoongi said Jimin stayed over and ever since then they'd kept their plans out of the chat and away from the boys, Jimin feeling more confident now he had his mums approval.

Jimin knocked on Yoongi's door five times in a tune, happily smiling as he heard the pitter patter of small feet run towards the door with heavier foot steps behind.

"Hello hyung~" Jimin greeted with an eye smile, holding up a picnic basket his mum insisted he took.

"Hello Jiminie, come in." Yoongi said returning the smile and taking the basket so Jimin could just flop on the floor and play with the dogs which he could instantly Jimin wanted to do.

"I brought some food, a blanket, a basket, a bag for rubbish, pillows incase our butts hurt and tissues." Jimin said reading Yoongi's mind as he was about to ask what needs putting in.

Yoongi smiled before nodding and going into the kitchen, remerging with everything else needed and a bit extra.

"So now we're talking in person will you please tell me how it went with your Mum?" Yoongi asked putting the basket down on the table as he slid on some converse which he really hated in the moment because they were annoying to tie and he wanted to focus on Jimin.

Jimin smiled brightly and said "It went great... she knew since the whole school thing, and then was reminded when Jaejoon punched me... but she was just happy I finally said it to her even though she also felt like I didn't need to and should've just brought a boy home and said I like him."

Yoongi mumbled "Thank god..." knowing how badly the situation could go before smiling at Jimin and saying "I'm glad. Not about anything to do with Jaejoon except he's out of your life. But the rest of it." Feeling the need to clarify.

"She wants me to bring someone home to meet her soon." Jimin said shyly blushing as Yoongi's face copied the reaction.

Yoongi however couldn't help but notice and admire how much more confident Jimin has grown outside of school in such a matter of small time.

He smiled before saying "I'm sure that person will be very lucky." Then bringing his attention to the puppy at his feet with the lead in its mouth.

Yoongi chuckled and smiled at Holly, putting the collar and lead on him as Jimin watched whilst also mimicking the action on Yeontan.

Both dogs were ready and so were both boys so Yoongi grabbed the basket after cleverly tying the lead around his waist and they set off leaving Yoongi's apartment.

Jimin has only just noticed how nicely Yoongi was dressed, with his all black aesthetic and an iconic leather jacket to match, appreciating how skinny the skinny jeans were shaping Yoongi perfectly in Jimin's eyes.

On the other hand Yoongi had already noticed how well dressed Jimin was with his read jeans, white shirt and suspenders, which also flattered his body - he was just trying to ignore it as to not get distracted which Jimin was making a harder task every time they met up.

The boys blood smelt like the most delicious thing to Yoongi and now he looked extra attractive too with his confidence glowing just like his smile.

Yoongi smiled lightly as he watched Jimin who was talking to him about the group chat, generally just admiring him.

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