Part 12: Cafe

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After following Yoongi for a good while they eventually entered a building which Jimin quickly pieced together was a Cafe which he'd been too one or two times before.

A handsome man greeted them at the door "Welcome back Yoongi and Yoongi's friend. Did you grab the coffee I asked you too?"

Yoongi nodded pulling out a bag of bean from the inside of his hoodie handing them over then saying "Are we alright to use the staff toilets and first aid kit?" To which the owner nodded with a friendly smile.

Yoongi and Jimin both thanked him as Yoongi took Jimin's hand leading him into the back, kind of taking Jimin by surprise, until they entered the toilet.

Yoongi was still too annoyed to really hold a conversation so instructed "Take your shirt off." To a confused looking Jimin further explaining "Your bleeding."

Jimin looked more confused looking down until Yoongi insinuated it was his back causing him to look back in the mirror and notice the blood stain.

Jimin did as he was instructed wondering when Yoongi noticed, guessing it must have been when he entered the ally in the first place.

Yoongi made Jimin face away from him into the mirror as he began to clean the cut on Jimin's back quickly, his cold hands sending a chill down Jimin's spine.

Jimin wasn't to sure what to say so just said "Thank you." Which Yoongi mumbled "Its okay." Back too.

After a few more moments of silence Jimin spoke up again wanting to change topics and also have a question answered asking "So you know the owner here?" Trying to make small talk.

Yoongi nodded explaining "That Ji-yong, my boss when I can be bothered helping out."

Jimin nodded in understanding telling Yoongi was really focused for some reason so not wanting to distract him.

After a few more minutes Yoongi said he was done so Jimin picked up his now ruined white shirt to put back on before Yoongi took it and threw it in the sink.

He took his hoodie off passing it to Jimin saying "Your shirts ruined. No point in putting it back on and getting dirty."

Jimin thanked him agreeing so Yoongi threw it in a bag and handed it to Jimin on the way back to the main shop where they were greeted by the friendly owner and two drinks.

"Their on the house, are you both okay?" The man now know to be Ji-Yong asked with a concerned look.

Jimin and Yoongi both thanking him and nodding.

"If either of you are ever having trouble in this area just come here and I'll sort it out for you and let you chill here. Now I'm gonna assume you both have some talking to do or whatever so I'll leave you too it as I was the cups in the back." Ji-Yong said with a genuine smile before going into the back.

Both took a sip of their drinks in silence before Jimin turned to Yoongi saying. "He's cool." In reference to the owner.

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle a little since saying cool was uncool but agreed anyways saying "He is. His nicknames G dragon and as well as running this he's an underground rapper. We've known each other since I was little considering he used to baby sit me."

Jimin smiled at the thought and knowledge but couldn't help still having a gloomy feeling lurk over him which quickly got summoned as Yoongi asked "What happened with you and Jaejoon?"

Jimin went silent instantly making Yoongi feel like he should've punched him when he had the chance.

Yoongi had a feeling Jimin wouldn't say anything so carried on by asking "Why would he just corner you in the middle of the shopping district for no reason?"

Jimin looked at him confusedly since Jaejoon basically gave the reason when insulting Jimin this Jimin saying to Yoongi "He did it because I like boys."

Considering the fact Yoongi went to all that trouble for him he felt he deserved to at least know the reason even if that meant losing any chance of them growing closer.

"And? Since when is that a reason to corner and assault a person?" Yoongi said annoyance showing in his voice.

"He's always been like that since he found out." Jimin said looking down to his drink agreeing with Yoongi but also still feeling paranoid that he'd get hate.

"Is that the secret he told people? The one that made everyone hate you?" Yoongi asked piecing things together remembering that the world has a lot of issues even if it's getting better.

Jimin nodded making Yoongi sigh out loud and grunt as he messed his hair up in frustration.

"People need to not. There's literally no point. Why be a arse about the gender a person likes. There is literally no reason to corner them and do that or tell other people if they trusted you. Jimin I need you to promise me you won't hang around him because you deserve more." Yoongi said looking at Jimin seriously.

"I promise? I didn't mean to bump into him anyways. That's why I started to walk in the other direction instead of back home." Jimin said back honestly.

Yoongi sighed as he said "Good." Resting his head in his hands.

After that they just spoke causally about their days and Yoongi got some more information about Jimin's old school then saying he was walking Jimin home which Jimin objected too since it was far away but Yoongi persisted.

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