Part 16: Tired and hungry

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Yoongi hadn't eaten or had time to just rest I general so the last thing he wanted was to have to go to school but that's just they way things worked out to be.

He arrived to the building slightly worried he might snap at people but he felt pretty safe in the assumption that he wouldn't go all vampire on people.

He went straight to his first class which was tutorial with what would usually be Jungkook and Jimin but Jungkook was off ill because of a big going around.

Yoongi both looked and felt like death but he still looked cute which apparently was the only thing important to the little fan club he was getting in the class since he was friends with very attractive people.

He dropped his head on the table not caring how hard he fell until his head collide and it hurt.

He curled to his side in response which just so happened to be where Jimin was sat, watching worriedly.

"Ughhhh." Yoongi sounded as he held his head resting against Jimin's torso who just supported him.

"You okay hyung?" Being the first thing to escape from Jimin's mouth in a concerned voice.

Yoongi bluntly said "No." as he rested his head on Jimin's shoulder carefully this time instead of repeating what he just did.

Yoongi sighed as a cute kitten put appeared on his face which caused Jimin to chuckle.

Unfortunately for Yoongi, Jimin's laughing brought him closer to his neck which was the last thing he wanted to be thinking about since he wanted to stay out of trouble.

He'd managed to ignore how sweet and tasty Jimin's blood smelt well up until this point but now more than ever apart of him wanted to just drain Jimin until Yoongi was full.

Luckily enough he was snapped out of his thoughts by Jimin who asked "Do you have that bug too?"

Yoongi knew he didn't but decided to use it as an excuse for his exhaustion so just went "Maybe I don't know. I just feel shit."

Jimin smiled as he watched Yoongi try to get comfy on his arm before giving up and leaning back in his chair.

"You should take care of yourself better hyung." Jimin pointed out making Yoongi nod in response completely agreeing.

But he boy forgot to get blood so he'd just have to cope until he saw Namjoon and Hoseok at the end of the day since they had to study with Jin at dinner leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone.

After a few lessons dinner time arrived and Yoongi was completely out of it.

All he could think about was the sweet scent of blood that he didn't only want but needed so badly and the fact that there was someone next to him whose blood could easily be deemed as being the most compelling wasn't a good thing.

They both sat out on the roof were they normally would, eating their dinner up there since they didn't have to meet up with anyone.

Jimin was eating happily were as Yoongi was just playing with his food.

"You should eat hyung, it might make you feel better." Jimin said looking concernedly at Yoongi.

Yoongi sighed before scrunching his sandwich up and throwing it in his bag "I can't eat." Being all he said.

Yoongi sat next to Jimin leaning against the wall, closing his eyes.

Yoongi's breath grew lighter and slight snoring sounds began coming from him, Jimin concluding he dozed off but didn't want to wake him since he wasn't well.

Jimin carried on eating his dinner as Yoongi's head tilted and rested on his shoulders.

Jimin didn't mind so just carried on letting Yoongi rest.

Yoongi wasn't conscious but he was still entranced by the sweet scent of blood, only now not being awake to stop himself.

Yoongi ended up moving in his sleep, facing Jimin who was just chilling on his phone texting Jin who was saying how cute Namjoon was with his glasses on.

Jimin froze when he felt something soft touching his neck.

Yoongi started to gently kiss around Jimin's neck making the younger freeze not sure what to do.

"H-hyung?" Jimin said panicking not sure how to react, getting no response.

Jimin quickly texted Jin saying Yoongi was asleep and kissing his neck and that he didn't know what to do - all of which made hardly any sense but Jin pieced it together telling Namjoon and Hoseok.

Both froze on the spot before looking at each other then getting up and running leaving their stuff behind.

Jimin couldn't move as Yoongi had a hand over his body for his own support.

The next thing he knew Namjoon was pulling Yoongi off of him and Hoseok was making sure Jimin was okay.

Namjoon sighed heavily as he kept tapping Yoongi's face trying to get him to wake up but failing.

"Sorry Jiminie he's a clingy sleeper especially when hungry." Hoseok said as Jimin held onto his neck not really sure what happened or how to respond to it considering he didn't mind it he just didn't know what to do.

"It's fine, he said he couldn't eat his dinner then dozed off. Will he be okay?" Jimin asked more concerned for Yoongi who was obviously deep asleep.

Namjoon pushes his hair back before replying "He'll be fine as long as your okay." Which Jimin nodded back too.

Hoseok got up and went over to Yoongi with Namjoon instantly looking concerned which made Jimin more worried not believing that he'd be okay.

"Jimin would you be able to go grab our stuff from the library please?" Hoseok said with a forced smile.

Jimin wasn't sure what to do so nodded grabbing his bag and then heading to go get it leaving Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon alone.

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