Part 7: Ditch

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Yoongi was really tired by the time lunch came around but he couldn't nap in the canteen because it was to loud.

In the end he ended up just leaning on the person next to hims shoulder which just so happened to be the handsome and kind Park Jimin.

Namjoon frowned noticing how tired Yoongi actually was so asked "Are you okay hyung?"

Everyone payed attention to the boy they were all concerned about because he was surpassing his normal levels of exhaustion.

"I'm fine, just tired." Yoongi sleepily said with a frown on his face.

Hoseok frowned more as he asked "Have you eaten today?"

Yoongi knew what Hoseok meant but instead replied "I just ate that sandwich."

Namjoon picked up on the small thing and said "You need to drink something."

Jimin picked up his drink and offered it Yoongi by holding it in front of his mouth.

Yoongi was too tired to argue so opened his mouth slightly for Jimin to put the straw into.

He took a few sips and the concerned face on the people around him was growing.

That's when Hoseok remembered what was more than likely the cause of Yoongi's exhaustion.

"Yoongi hyung, hows Taehyung?"

Yoongi opened his eyes as his frown grew confusing their new friends.

"Who's Taehyung?" Jungkook asked verbalising their confusing.

"Taehyung is basically Yoongi's little brother who he looks after." Namjoon said then looking back to Yoongi and saying "Is he okay?"

Yoongi sighed before shaking his head slightly, hiding his face on Jimin's shoulder since he knew he was starting to look as worried as he felt.

"Anything we can help with?" Jin offered resting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder for comfort.

"It'll be fine eventually he goes through fazes is all." Yoongi said sounding unconvincing to even himself.

Namjoon frowned again before saying "I'm coming over tonight." Causing Yoongi To instantly sit up and say "No."

Namjoon stared at him before repeating himself and adding "So is Hoseok."

Hoseok nodded both with stern looks on their faces.

Yoongi panicked momentarily then saying "You can't. He'll be asleep." Trying to come up with any excuse.

"Then we'll go now." Namjoon said standing up from his seat, Hoseok following him as they left the canteen as Yoongi froze.

"They can't be being serious." Jin said completely surprised by the sudden mood change.

Yoongi quickly threw what he though was all of his stuff in his bag swearing under his breath and saying bye quickly.

Leaving the three boys on the table confused.

After dinner they were clearing their stuff away and noticed Yoongi's phone, agreeing they'd message Namjoon later so they could let him let Yoongi know.

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