Part 6: News

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A few weeks had gone by and the boys were mixing in their new school well, keeping a comfortable distance from everyone except the three humans they spoke to who actually made an effort to be friends.

Everything was going well and they were growing more comfortable until there was a incident which made them more fearful than they'd been in the past.

A vampire had been caught attacking people and killing them creating a big up roar against vampires again, with the idea all vampires should die being spread wildly.

It was being spoken about everywhere creating paranoia for humans who feared being attacked for blood and vampires who feared being attacked in response to ones actions.

Vampires were growing increasingly more endangered as a population and the last thing they needed was a news report like this.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi all went to school together the day the report broke out - none wanting to go already ashamed of one person actions but also fearing being found out more than ever as paranoia around vampires increased.

They all went to their first class which was together, taking their seats as people spoke about it.

"Vampires are disgusting."

"They should all just be dead already."

"If one acted like this the rest might."

"Their fucked up."

"The whole vampires are people to movement is a load of crap because vampires suck people's blood and kill, people don't do that."

Yoongi never had a very good fuse but it was growing shorter with every comment he heard.

Jimin walked into class being stopped at the door by a bunch of girls who hugged him and wrapped his arms around them.

"Jiminie it's so scary." A girl said holding tightly onto his side.

Jimin raised an eyebrow as he looked over to the group of people who had became his friends.

The girl elaborated saying "Those scary vampires are going around and killing us. It's a matter of time before they all turn. It's so scary. There monsters and vile."

Jimin sighed realising what she was on about but knew he'd have to comfort her so he said "It'll all be fine safety precautions are in order."

Jimin had never liked or disliked vampires instead trying to live oblivious to the fear that their are things out there that with human blood could easily destroy humanity.

The news making it harder for him.

The girl defensively stated "The police did nothing to save those people from that vampire now who's to say the rest won't attack."

Jimin sighed knowing their was no point in arguing so instead just said "It's scary." As he unhooked his arm and went to his seat.

The girls all watched pouting as he unpacked his bags, waiting for attention to leave him before turning to the vampires he didn't know were vampires.

"Hello." Jimin said tilting his head back to talk.

The others greeted him as they carried on pretending they weren't nervous.

Yoongi sighed as all of them went silent so turned around and rested his head on the table closing his eyes.

"Are you guys okay you seem kinda anxious." Jimin pointed out looking between the three.

"We're fine." Hoseok said with a forced smile.

Jimin didn't believe it and was about to proceed question when the girls who stopped him at the door came over.

"Jiminieeeeee Oppa please protect us from the scary vampires." The girl said crouching in front of his and Yoongi's shared desk.

Jimin sighed before replying "You don't need protecting. Not all vampires are like that."

Namjoon and Hoseok quickly distracted themselves not wanting to be involved in the conversation.

"What about you new kid? Don't you think vampires are scary." The girl said staring at Yoongi after she poked his head.

Yoongi looked up from his desk slightly annoyed but decided to answer anyways, turning to Jimin who was looking at him with a worried face and saying "Vampires are very scary Jiminie. Please protect me." Mocking the girls and doing a cute pout.

Jimin chuckled blushing slightly at his cuteness and the way he said his name then replying "Of course hyungie I'll keep you safe."

The girl looked at Yoongi in disgust as Yoongi stared back at her blankly.

"How do we know your not a vampire?" The girl said wanting to start trouble.

Namjoon and Hoseok froze which luckily no one noticed as Yoongi kept his cool replying "And how do we know your not?"

The girl scoffed then retorting "Well I'm not pale, ugly or rude."

Jimin was about to defend Yoongi but before he could Yoongi already had a come back staying "Well I've not slept and clearly it's affecting my mood unlike vampires who don't need sleep or whatever that stereotype is. So how about you leave me out of your conversations and let me nap."

The girl looked at Yoongi and was about to say something back at him but this time Jimin managed to cut in saying "What you just said wasn't nice or true and he's tired. You should go take your seats."

"I'm not going anywhere until I get an apology." The girl said refusing to move off the spot not noticing Jin and Jungkook were stood behind her for the whole thing.

"What's your name?" Yoongi asked sitting back up again starting to get more annoyed.

The girl laughed and said "Oh you want to know my name now? Do you want a autograph too?"

Yoongi licked his bottom lip as it normal stopped him from snapping due to his mouth being preoccupied.

"Jahee I think you owe him the apology." The teacher said approaching the group which now had everybody's attention.

"What?" She said giving the teacher a dirty look.

"You heard me. Now you can apologise now or you can go to the head teachers office and apologise there with your parents being called in."

The girl stared at her teacher with her jaw dropped as Yoongi just sat there glad she came over before he got himself in trouble.

"I'm sorry." She said turning quickly, clearly annoyed, and walking over to her seat.

Yoongi thanked the teacher who nodded and went back to her seat.

Yoongi sighed waning it resumed his nap but not to long after the bell went meaning class had began.

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