Part 31: Getting closer

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Jimin was still sat on the floor but Yoongi ended up sitting behind him on the couch since he was happily playing with his hair.

They were watching tv and generally talking until Jimin changed the topic deciding the awkward way he was going to word it would have to do but he result would be worth it.

He asked "Hyung? I wanna know more about you but I also want you to know more about me so I had an idea where we'd exchanged facts. Now I've said it out loud I regret it."

Yoongi chuckled, ruffling Jimin's hair which Jimin was quickly growing fond too, before saying "Lets do it."

Jimin turned his head to Yoongi surprised but Yoongi just looked back to him with a gummy smile.

"Okay you first. No me since it was my idea. Wait I found a flaw, what if we have questions?" Jimin said starting to panic since he hadn't expected Yoongi to be so willing.

Yoongi at this point didn't really care since the worst of it was out of the way so decided to be open with Jimin to the best of his abilities.

"How about we take it in turns. One fact or one question per go but swapping if you get me? But umm... we don't say anything after the other person said something just going to the next persons fact." Yoongi asked not sure his explanation was good but going with it anyways since Jimin nodded.

"Okay well... fact, I've never been in a relationship with a boy before." Jimin said just saying what he'd want to know about Yoongi.

Yoongi nodded as he said" I've been to scared to be in a relationship ever, I've had flings but trust issues stopped anything else happening plus the fact... I was only looking for comfort."

Jimin's eyes softened since he'd already assumed something like that since Yoongi obviously kissed well but did have a lot of walls and was about to say something but Yoongi shushed him and asked "Okay so what is your type?" A smirk appearing on his face with the feeling in the room changing as Jimin rolled his eyes.

Jimin said "I don't have a type." Yoongi giving him a look of disbelief still wit a smirk not needing to talk.

"What?" Jimin said defensively and Yoongi stared at him not believing it.

Jimin sighed then moving on before Yoongi could say anything else asking "What's your type then?"

Yoongi looked up and hummed as he thought then saying "I don't really know since I avoid relationships and thinking about them so I'm just gonna say someone smart, nice and handsome."

Jimin blushed slightly since Yoongi had back hugged him as he said it.

"Your go." Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear lowly causing Jimin to blush more.

"I... like... kimchi?" Jimin said unable to think of any blunt facts since his mind went blank.

Yoongi could tell from Jimin's face he was unsure about what he said so Yoongi sarcastically said "I like blood."

Jimin turned to face Yoongi who's head was on his shoulder, realising how close they were before turning back deciding not to complain.

"What do you prefer: someone cute or someone sexy?" Yoongi asked choosing that moment as the perfect opportunity to get pay back for all the teasing Jimin made him under go.

Jimin's eyes widened at the question in shock that Yoongi would say something like that but answered honestly anyways with nothing to loose.

"It depends on the day."

Yoongi detached himself from Jimin staring at him with a smirk of disbelief.

Jimin turned due to the lack of contact, panicking slightly at the look in Yoongi's eyes which were basically screaming 'note taken.'

Jimin gulped before asking "What do you prefer?" Causing Yoongi to lean close to his ear and say "That depends on you."

Jimin's face lit up bright red and Yoongi leaned away smirking at his accomplishment.

Jimin stuttered as he said "I-I can't t-thing of any m-more facts."

Yoongi's smirk turned into a soft smile as he said "It's fine. How about some questions instead?" Which Jimin nodded shyly too genuinely flustered from where the little game lead.

"What's your favourite hobby?" Yoongi asked swerving from where the conversation was going for Jimin's sake since he was bright red.

Jimin thought for a moment before answering "Dance." Which Yoongi nodded in response to recalling Jimin passionately talking about dance one time.

"What's your favourite thing to do other than sleep and playing with the puppies?" Jimin asked making sure to exclude the two big choices.

Yoongi froze trying to choose between rapping, reading and playing piano ending up choosing "Playing the piano." Due to it being more involved and personal.

Jimin smiled warmly, the two asking more general questions for a few hours before getting lost in their conversation.

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