Part 42: Bite

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Yoongi placed gentle kisses on Jimin's neck as he explored it looking for a certain spot which he'd eyed up since the day he met him.

By now he knew where it was located visually but he never had the chance to explore Jimin's neck properly so he took the chance to do so.

He moved his way from Jimin's jaw downwards down his neck before stopping when he felt Jimin's breath hitch.

He placed multiple kisses on that spot, sucking on it to bring blood flow to it before kitten licking it.

Jimin bit his lip at the action suddenly becoming aware of how Yoongi's leg was in between his own.

"H-hyung." Jimin said fighting back not so holy sounds from escaping his mouth.

Yoongi shushed him against his neck sending light vibrations onto his skin before licking it one last time causing Jimin to tense.

Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jimin's waist before finally letting his fangs graze Jimin's skin listening as his heart beat increased which for some reason made Yoongi smile.

He didn't want Jimin to panic so kissed the spot again which made him less tense before finally not being able to fight the temptation anymore.

Jimin felt as Yoongi's fangs bit through his skin, a quick shooting pain emerging before Yoongi decided he'd punctured it enough and began sucking.

Jimin felt his face flush as the pain turned to pleasure and he couldn't stop himself from lowly groaning "F-fuck." Not caring in the slightest now about his stutter.

Yoongi smiled into his neck drinking his blood enjoying the taste and warmth it filled him with.

This carried on for a few minutes until Yoongi finally pulled away going back to lick over the two holes he made in his neck before admiring his work with a smile.

"Thank you." Yoongi said with a smirk Jimin quietly saying "Your welcome." With a bright red face now realising exactly what had happened due to the pain in his pants.

Jimin shot up saying "I'm going to use the bathroom." Before quickly leaving.

Yoongi remained on the floor for a minute before standing up and stretching feeling a lot better than he had done for the past few months and debatably ever.

He then went to examine the power outage before being met with the realisation that the storm probably took it out so just went and lit up a bunch of candles.

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