Part 28: Kimchi

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Yoongi came back into the room, sprawling out on the couch, Holly sitting on his back.

"So." Yoongi said smirking at Jimin who was nervously kicking his feet who also replied back "So?"

"I could fee you smirking against my neck." Yoongi said bluntly.

"You enjoyed it." Being followed after a pause which was used to read Jimin's blushing face.

Jimin nervously replied "Y-you liked it t-too." Embarrassment taking over him, especially since he didn't plan on staying after it happening.

"Well What do you expect being all cute and innocent and then going and doing such ungodly things." Yoongi defended.

"Ungodly?!" Jimin shouted in shock, jumping up from his seat.

Yoongi jumped up to, Holly jumping off of him in time, before defending "Yes ungodly. You kissed, sucked and licked my neck. There ain't nothing pure about that!"

Yoongi pointed to his neck as as he smiled cutely as they play argued.

"Your the one who started it saying I was all talk. What did you expect a peck on the cheek?!" Jimin asked back playfully.

"Yes!" Was all Yoongi said before slumping back onto his knees.

"Well the aim of the game was to do something unexpected so I win!" Jimin said sticking his tongue out.

"Was it worth making both of us flustered?!" Yoongi asked in defeat.

Jimin nodded shouting back "Its always worth it for kimchi!"

It was fair to say Yoongi was still surprised but he didn't mind what had happened or the conversation they had following making him get a better grip on Jimin's personality and Jimin his.

"How would you feel if I started kissing your neck?!" Yoongi asked wanting to have the last word.

"I was flustered and confused!" Jimin said back Yoongi mentally cursing forgetting he's done that but then letting something click.

"Confused about what?!"

Jimin paused thinking for a moment since he wasn't really sure why he was confused at the same time as he was.

He was confused as why Yoongi did it and as to why it made his heart beat so fast.

"Just confused!" Jimin shouted back not wanting to admit either even though one was obvious now but not at the time.

"Try being me! I tried keeping a distance for a reason yet I'm stuck unable to get away from people or stopping situations I know will make it harder!" Yoongi said thinking back to not wanting to fall for Jimin which by this point he'd given up on - especially after Taemin's party with Jimin's understanding warming his cold heart.

"Then just own it!" Jimin yelled the conversation taking a motivational turn.

"You own it, you deserve happiness!" Yoongi yelled back getting "You deserved happier happiness!" Back.

Both boys looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"We're a mess." Yoongi said chuckling as Jimin nodded in agreement.

"But at least we're messes together." Being Jimin's response after agreeing.

"So what were you confused about?" Yoongi asked, this time more seriously than the last.

Jimin paused hoping if he did Yoongi would change topic - which he didn't.

"Just stuff." Being the only thing Jimin could say.

Yoongi thought for a moment before quoting "Own it." Which made Jimin face palm.

"I don't want to mess anything up so I'm not going to say anything." Jimin said looking down to the floor.

"You won't mess anything up? That's my job." Yoongi said trying to make light of the sad mood which was taking over the whole apartment.

Jimin smiled a little before shaking his head and saying "I like things the way they are now, I'd like something else more but it isn't worth risking it."

Yoongi reluctantly nodded before replying "You know the reason I tried to avoid you most is because I knew I'd end up liking you too much then not wanting to watch things get ruined when you'd find out I was a vampire."

He hoped his spur of honesty would encourage Jimin.

"Things?" Jimin asked half serious and half teasing.

Yoongi nodded replying back "Things."

He paused for a moment not really wanting to tear down the next wall he'd built but he knew he should.

He sighed before saying "Things being literally anything depending on if you felt the same."

Jimin's eyes widened before contemplation spread across his face, then asking "Felt the same how?"

He was really making Yoongi work for his answer but he wanted to be sure.

"Welp why don't you piece this together then. I thought you were hot when I met you, then smart, then kind, then flirty, the friendly. After the Jaejoon thing I saw a whole other side of you which was more honest, open, scared, shy and so much more which is only seen once on the roof the time before that. Then after I nearly bit you and told you I was a vampire you were understanding, accepting, open and warm being more than just the hot flirt I assumed you were when I first saw you. All in all my positive view just became more positive and I can honestly say you are the only still human human I have actually liked this much. Take the word like as you choose." Yoongi said making Jimin work back but also speaking honestly.

"You... really think that?" Jimin asked as Yoongi nodded back replying "That and so much more."

Yoongi wasn't sure how he was supposed to act, probably being cool and swag to get the guy, but instead he displayed his honest reaction which was more shy and reluctant since that was his true nature when dealing with feeling.

Jimin sighed then ruffled his hair up in frustration complaining "Your making it so hard not to tell you but I'm still not sure if you feel the same."

Jimin curled up in a ball of frustration as Yoongi smiled shyly at Jimin's cute response.

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