Part 11: Jaejoon

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Jimin was shopping in the main district in Busan alone when he stumbled upon a familiar face in a sea of people - a face he hoped he'd never see again.

Quickly he turned and walked int he opposite direction not wanting to risk his chances of being caught but it was too late.

As Jimin entered a side street in a hurry, he heard heavy footsteps that sounded like they were running heading towards him.

He held onto his bags and was about to keep going when a hand grabbed his shoulder and slammed him into the wall.

"Well well well, look what we've got here." The much taller boy said with a smug smirk present on his face.

Jimin gulped being more afraid than angry at the situation he was caught in - considering if he was angry he'd more than likely be in a fight.

The boy laughed as he noticed Jimin's knees trembling as he avoided eye contact with the taller of the two.

"You e got nothing to say to your old best friend?" The boy asked kneeing Jimin in his stomach, making him crouch over in pain.

He went to kick the boy again but before he could he was thrown back by someone wearing a black hoodie, Jimin brig unable to see his face.

The boy regained his balance as he growled "What the fuck-" being cut off by the other boy who simply said "What the fucks wrong with you?"

Jimin recognised the voice and sighed in relief but also grew more anxious at the realisation of the position he was in.

The boy scoffed as he approached the stranger in front of his ex friend, trying to intimidate him by standing close to him as he said "Stay out of other peoples business, freak."

Yoongi took a step closer to the other boy not feeling intimidated as he questioned "Not my business? Well then clearly you don't know Jimin very well if you don't know me."

Yoongi lied knowing Jimin more than likely hadn't told anyone about him but he quickly caught on to the position Jimin was in since the boy looked mortified.

"Try being his best friend for years short stack. Now fuck off and stay out of it before I make you." The boy threatened attempting to push Yoongi back.

"I know his best friends and last time I checked a rude ass knob head wasn't one of them." Yoongi said standing protectively in front of Jimin.

Jimin couldn't do anything feeling helpless just watching.

"Listen here you little shit-"

"Is little all you have to say about me? Come on now judging people based off appearance is a bit low isn't it?" Yoongi said starting to lose his temper.

The boy grunted and pinned Yoongi to a wall as he said "Shut the fuck up and I'm giving you one last chance to leave before I kick yours and this gay piece of shits arses."

Yoongi scoffed as he asked one simple question "Who are you?" To which the other boy answered "Jaejoon. Ring any bells?"

Yoongi nodded raising his hands up as he was put down off the wall Jimin feeling like an anxious mess.

Jimin has expected Yoongi to leave after but what he did next was unpredictable to them all.

Yoongi pushes Jaejoon back with all the force he could muster that seemed like a human strength sending him back into the other side of the ally where he was then pinned against the wall.

"So your the knob who Jimin trusted and was betrayed by. Thank god your still a bad person otherwise I might have felt bad about phoning the police. Now listen here because I'm only saying this once. Fuck off out of Jimin's life and get a life of your own where you value people because I'm gonna tell you your gonna get no where with how your acting now. Your not a child in preschool anymore so grow up." Yoongi said letting go of the boy who looked terrified by Yoongi's strength and by the information about the police.

Yoongi wasted no time in adding "Now apologise." To what he said causing the boy to drop to the floor in front of him apologising which blatantly pissed Yoongi off more since he had to correct "To Jimin." Which he complied with instantly.

Not even moments later the boy had gotten up and ran off leaving just Jimin and Yoongi in the ally, no one noticing what had happened.

Yoongi offered Jimin his hand, pulling him up the saying "Come on." Walking out of the ally and waiting for Jimin before going into the crowd.

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