Part 45: Tour

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"And this is the dining room... next to this is the study... then the lineups at the end of the corridor... uh the stairs are there to the conservatory... let's go up there then now we're done with the majority of this floor." Yoongi said guiding the group of his friends around what now presented itself as a maze of a house.

All his friends were amazed due to how well together and kept the house was, mind wanting to ask how much money had.

They went up the stair case, stunned by the flourishing greenery that filled the room they entered, flowers and leaves filling the giant room.

"So yeah, this is the conservatory and if we go out that door we get to where the main stairs lead-" Yoongi began explaining being ur of by a curious voice.

"What's that door?" Jungkook asked pointing to a somewhat hidden door.

Yoongi stared at it blankly for a moment before turning to Jungkook shrugging and carrying on listing the rest of the rooms, Jungkook having no choice but to accept it.

After completing the tour Yoongi led them all back to the living room where they were all seated then discussing rooms.

"Okay so its a six bedroom house and there's seven of us so we have strategically selected rooms for everyone." Taehyung said followed by a in-sync clap with Jungkook.

"Much thought went into this and if you let us get passed the first part you'll understand why." Jungkook added before looking to Taehyung who nodded then taking over again.

"Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and I all know our way around since we've stayed here before - me and Yoongi living here for a solid three years - well technically longer but we don't get into that. Anyways all the rooms have double beds so Namjoon and Jin will be sharing the room on the left side of the house with Hoseok in the room across. Me and Jungkook will stay in my room and then Jimin and Yoongi will stay in Yoongi's room on the top floor." Taehyung completed what he was saying for Jungkook to take over.

They could see in their things faces that they didn't understand.

"As you've now found out this is a big house so it's a good idea to stay with someone who knows the way and well since we have couples here who know the way we paired them together so no one gets lost. If you want you can all have separate rooms but me and Taehyungie will share because I personally don't want to get lost." Jungkook said with a bunny smile.

They all nodded understanding how it made sense and happily complied except Hoseok who complained "So you all eat cuddle buddies and I don't."

In that moment both the puppies ran over to Hoseok slap making the elder smile and say "On second thoughts I can live with it if I have the puppies." Then looking up to Yoongi and Taehyung with Doe eyes who nodded knowing Hoseok would care for them well.

"Now we have rooms sorted why don't we all split up and have some alone time to unpack." Jin suggested innocently - no one but Namjoon being able to sense mischief in his voice not that he minded in the slightest.

They all nodded heading their separate ways.

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