Part 46: Hyung

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"Hyunggggggg." Jimin complained as he lay on the bed.

Yoongi turned to him, pulling out some of Jimin's clothes and putting it in their now shared closet.

"What's up Prince?" Yoongi asked turning away before he could let himself get distracted.

"I'm bored." Jimin said cutely on purpose knowing it would get Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi turned again but this time his glance was caught and returned by the younger of the two who smirked knowing what would happen next.

Yoongi sighed before just throwing the clothes in the closet then went over to the bed snuggling into Jimin's chest.

"Better?" Yoongi asked not really caring about the clothes since he knew he'd end up rearranging them anyways.

Jimin nodded then peppered Yoongi's head in lots of little kisses.

Yoongi groaned as Jimin kept teasing him by kissing near his lips so decided to catch the other off guard and flip them so he was over him.

Yoongi places gentle kisses down Jimin's face then going to his jawline where he especially took his time leaving little red marks before trailing to his neck.

Jimin knew exactly what was coming yet he still couldn't help but blush.

"You know I just wanted to cuddle with my beautiful, handsome, charming boyfriend?" Jimin asked teasingly as Yoongi carried on his exploration mission.

"You want me to stop?" Yoongi asked hoover over a certain spot knowing what the answer would be but still teasing him in return for the little kisses on his head.

"I never said that." Jimin said quickly adding "But if you wouldn't mind stopping the teasing it would be greatly appreciated hyung."

Yoongi chuckled lowly before sucking on a spot on Jimin's neck he knew well before quickly pulling away as Jimin groaned, replying "Pay backs a bitch baby boy." Before resuming what he was doing making Jimin wait for the extreme pleasure he knew was to come.

He kissed his neck over and over, sucking and bubbling in it until he deemed the mark he left as worthy to show Jimin was his, then kitten licking over the skin.

"You okay baby?" Yoongi asked glancing up at the younger who was holding his breath and Yoongi knew exactly why.

Jimin nodded slightly causing Yoongi to lean back in.

A sharp pain shot through Jimin's neck which quickly became something else as his body finally began to adjust after months.

He lay there letting Yoongi do whatever he wanted with him just enjoying the feeling of Yoongi's warmth and the love he knew was there.

He had to admit Yoongi did always show him how much he loved him since he could simply just bite anywhere making it more painful for Jimin and get it over and done with fast and messily.

Yet Yoongi took his time locating the right spot which changed depending on how Jimin was position, he'd cover him in kisses even once he found it, he'd constantly check for any signs to stop verbally or physically and then he'd make sure to hold back on how much he drank even if he was still hungry so Jimin was okay.

He was a considerate loving boy and Jimin loved it and him.

Yoongi on the other hand admired and loved every part of Jimin from his understanding to his accepting on him and how he'd put himself in any position to make Yoongi happy.

They both knew their feelings for each other went deeper than that but it never needed to be verbalised.

It was the little things that showed it.

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