Part 22: Phone number

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The holidays were quickly approaching for the school term to break up so the boys were all sat in the roof discussing their plans.

Namjoon was going on holiday with his family and Hoseok was studying for his dance exam that was approaching.

Jin was a very busy person in general with modelling so wasn't getting much of a break leaving Jungkook to happily play on his consoles all day to try and get grand master rank.

Yoongi explained how he was supposed to go to Daegu but they only managed to get two tickets so sent the person who bought the tickets and Jimin, him staying at home with the dogs, and Jimin admitting he was doing literally nothing because he had practically no social life when Jin and Jungkook were busy.

"You should both hang out." Jin said with what appeared as an innocent smile but Jimin knew better than to believe.

Hoseok agreed saying "Jimin can help you walk the dogs since you don't want to on your own." Even though he knew Yoongi meant he doesn't want to do it at all.

Yoongi sighed with the idea now present, Taemin's words replaying in the back of his mind which low key made him mad but he didn't show it as he said "That would actually be really helpful."

Jimin looked to Yoongi slightly surprised before then nodding and saying "I'd be glad too. Plus I get to see the puppies again."

Jin looked to Jimin confused, since he knew Yoongi got pups but didn't know Jimin had met them let alone was there when they were chosen.

"We got the doggos when we went to a party which Jimin was also at so Jimin helped us choose and instead of being the tie breaker convinced us to get both." Yoongi explained causing Jin to understand.

"Ahh so you guys hang out out of school?" Jungkook asked causing both Yoongi and Jimin too look at each other not sure of the answer was yes or no.

Namjoon noticed both were unsure so said "It doesn't matter if they did because they are now."

"Can I have your phone number?" Yoongi asked deciding if it was happening he'd want to know Jimin was getting to and from his home safely.

Jimin on the other hand took that moment as an opportunity teasing "So you want my phone number? Buy me a drink first." Causing the whole group to laugh except Yoongi who just pouted in response.

Jimin pulled out his phone grabbing Yoongi's hand and writing the number on to it as he held the larger hand in his smaller.

"There ya go." Jimin said putting his pen back in his pocket with a sweet smile.

Yoongi was tempted to point out that he had his phone on him but decided not to because he was becoming comfortable with Jimin just holding his hand.

"I want puppy and Yoonmin pictures sending to a group with all of us in." Jin said in a serious voice, even when saying Yoonmin.

"We can make the chat photo be then both holding the dogs jsisnsns." Hoseok said excitedly as Jimin and Yoongi just sat there not sure how to respond to the ship name.

"It'll be so cute then we can all send each other updates of our days and we can be close friends and do what friends do." Jungkook said finally getting the group chat he wanted but never asked for "Oh and we can add Taehyungie hyung." Jungkook added growing even more excited.

"So it's decided we'll make a group chat and all add each other to it." Namjoon said everyone nodding in response with the objective clear.

After that some idiot pulled the fire alarm so they all had to evacuate the building for a false call.

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