Part 30: Date

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"Kimchi kimchi kimchi." Jimin chanted as Yoongi brought the food over to the coffee table in the living room.

"You really love kimchi dontcha." Yoongi said as he sat down beginning to unbox the food.

"I love kimchi more than anything other than my mother who makes me kimchi and the person who invented kimchi." Jimin said happily watching as the food is being served out by Yoongi.

"I'll be sure to tell Jin hyung." Yoongi said recalling all the times Jin brought left over kimchi in for Jimin.

Jimin instantly requested "Please don't." With pleading eyes.

Yoongi chuckled before nodding saying "Okay, Fine." As he served the last of the food to which Jimin complained "Couldn't we have gotten more kimchi instead of all this main food." To Which Yoongi shook his head to saying "You humans have delicate bodies and need to eat properly."

Jimin pouted as he looked at his food causing Yoongi to chuckle and slide his kimchi to the boy since he was only eating so Jimin felt more comfortable.

"Thank you." Jimin said, feeling slightly bad but convincing himself it was fine since eating normal food wasn't good for Yoongi.

They ate the food casually talking until they were done, Jimin being full and too full to move to wipe the sauce from the side of his mouth.

Yoongi noticed it so pointed on his face to the spot Jimin had the food on his own, Jimin going to lick it but going to the wrong side which Yoongi quickly pointed out.

"Will you wipe it for me please hyung?" Jimin asked innocently as Yoongi nodded reaching for a napkin.

Yoongi gently pressed it on Jimin's face wiping the food off trying to be as careful as he could.

Jimin thanked him before resting his head back on the couch.

"I'm stuffed." Jimin complained happily which caused Yoongi to smile.

Holly and Yeontan both woke up front there naps they were having then sat on the couch behind Jimin and Yoongi so both ended up staying on the floor as they watched films.

Yoongi ended up resting his head on Jimin's shoulder dozing off as Jimin emerged himself into the films.

After it ended Jimin then noticed the gentle snoring sounds coming from the boy next to him causing a warm smile to spread across his face as he looked at his hyung in admiration.

Jimin admired every small feature of Yoongi's face from his smooth skin to his long eyelashes, eventually his eyes landing on what he'd tried to avoid most - his hyungs lips.

Jimin couldn't help the smile that formed on his face when he noticed how similar his hyung was to a cat, even when he slept, like the first day they met when he first made the comparison.

The pout on Yoongi's lips being the main reason Jimin's pure smile turned to a smirk as he pulled out his camera to prove a point.

He decided Yoongi would probably delete the picture of it was just him so Jimin took a selfie, not being vein and thinking oh I'm in it he won't delete it, thinking he could argue it was the only picture of them both and he thought it was a nice photo.

It ended up being super cute with both dogs climbing to be in the picture.

Jimin looked to the time before deciding he should wake Yoongi up otherwise he wouldn't sleep that night.

"Hyung?" Jimin called out as he gently poked the elders cheek causing him to scrunch up his face a little.

"Yooooongi hyung?" Jimin said again this time poking his nose.

Yoongi's eyes opened slightly as his pout emphasised with Jimin's giggling as he said "I found the on button."

"Jiminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn." Yoongi complained as he rested his head on Jimin's shoulder, face down.

"Whattttttttttt?" Jimin asked teasing the older of the two to try and make him come to his senses quicker.

"Be nice to hyung." Yoongi said tiredly wanting to go back to sleep not really sure where or who he was - being honest with himself thinking he was still dreaming.

Jimin decided since it was obvious Yoongi wasn't snapping out of it he'd have to be more annoying so faked complained to Yoongi saying "You said this was our first date but you fell asleep."

Pretending to be mad at his hyung by turning making him come to his senses quicker but not fully - Jimin only being willing to give up the facade of being mad fully when Yoongi was awake.

"I fell asleep because I'm comfortable around you and your warm." Yoongi said tiredly as he wiped his sleepy eyes.

Jimin has to admit his heart plunged but until his hyung was fully awake he wouldn't budge.

"Jiminie?" Yoongi asked not sure if he was really mad or not, Yoongi concluding his response would be the same anyways so played along.

Jimin didn't respond remaining turned away looking to the floor.

"I'm sorry Jiminie." Yoongi said hugging the youngest arm tiredly but sincerely.

Jimin immediately filled with guilt but stood by what he planned saying "I must be boring." Turning away even more because even capturing Yoongi in the corner of his eye filled him to the brim with guilt.

"Your not boring. Everything about you is interesting Jimin." Yoongi said speaking truthfully trying not to fall asleep again due to him actually being tired from walking the dogs and burning all his energy teasing and playing with Jimin and the pups.

Jimin's heart filled with Yoongi's words and he was finding it incredibly hard to fake being mad even though he knew Yoongi did nothing wrong.

What Jimin hadn't noticed was Yoongi moving himself so he could face Jimin's turned back before hugging it cutely kinda just flopping and being cute but hot at the same time.

"Sorry." Yoongi said again, this time in more of a whisper making it more intimate.

Jimin couldn't handle it anymore saying "I'm not mad I was just trying to wake you up. I'm sorry. Please don't be sorry."

Yoongi chuckled lightly before whispering "I know." Which sent chills down Jimin's spine.

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