Part 20: Heads or tails

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"And that makes two people awkwardly standing in the corner." Jimin said chuckling lightly.

Yoongi was quickly growing nervous as he said "looks like it."

The guilt started building up, with the fact that Jimin didn't know what was actually happening lurking in the back of his head.

They both stood their awkwardly as the music blasted for a few minutes until Jimin just sighed grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him upstairs were it was quieter.

Yoongi wasn't sure what was happening but complied anyways.

"Okay. We need to talk about what happened on the roof top." Jimin said closing the door behind him once he entered a spare bedroom.

Yoongi gulped but nodded anyways instantly saying "I'm sorry."

Yoongi stood their looking really guilty like he'd killed a person so Jimin pushed him over to a bed to sit down.

"Stop looking like a guilty kitten." Jimin said once Yoongi was sat down.

Yoongi went to say something but he couldn't find the words.

"You literally didn't know what you were doing hyung. You basically were sleep walking. Please don't keep beating yourself up over it and just talk to me." Jimin pleaded since he felt like Yoongi and him were finally becoming closer but that all reversed after what happened.

Yoongi looked to Jimin like a sad kitten still unable to say anything.

Jimin crouched down in front of Yoongi before saying again "Please hyung."

Yoongi looked into Jimin's eyes, guilt consuming him.

Even though Jimin was at a mainly vampire party he knew Jimin wasn't a vampire since they could sense one and other but he still wanted to say he was a vampire and hope Jimin would understand why he was beating himself up so much.

But at the same time he didn't want Jimin to hate him, because he really enjoyed being around him.

Jimin looked at Yoongi sadly since he wasn't saying anything and he could tell he was really thinking about what to say.

"Do you have a coin?" Yoongi asked deciding his next move would be based on a coin flip.

Jimin was confused but handed him one watching as Yoongi flipped it.

Heads he'd pretend it didn't happen and run away from the issue.

Tails he'd tell Jimin why it was such a big thing.

He flipped the coin and to Yoongi's demise it landed on tails.

"Okay I'm gonna tell you why you should hate me." Yoongi said causing Jimin to become more confused.

Yoongi stood up swapping positions with Jimin so he was crouching and Jimin was on the bed.

Yoongi pauses nervously as Jimin sat there confused waiting for Yoongi to say something.

He licked his lips before saying "I'm a vampire."

Jimin's eyes widened slightly from surprise but didn't really mind waiting to hear what else Yoongi had to say.

"I hadn't eaten that day and missed eating the night before and since I've been missing meals my body was basically fighting survival mode." Yoongi said playing with the bed sheet nervously which Jimin picked up on as he carried on listening.

"So when... when I dozed off my body... no- I went into survival mode. So I was... I was drawn to the scent of your blood so subconsciously moved to your neck..." Yoongi said pausing again as the guilty look grew worse.

Jimin understood the situation so stopped him by saying "It's okay."

Yoongi looked up at him in shock and was surprisingly met by Jimin's eye smile.

"You didn't do anything and you had more than a chance too so don't worry about it. And thank you for trusting me enough and being honest." Jimin said in a way that Yoongi could only process as Jimin being a sweet heart.

"You should be mad." Yoongi said in complete shock but Jimin just shook his head.

"Why? I'm only mad that you've been ghosting school so we couldn't talk about it." Jimin said with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I nearly fed on you? Being a vampire is enough to make you hate me." Yoongi said not understanding how Jimin was so okay with it.

"I wouldn't hate you because your a vampire hyung, I'm not like that plus if you haven't noticed my family has links." Jimin said chuckling lightly at how confused Yoongi was.

"I prefer seeing you confused than upset." Jimin said chuckling more and cupping Yoongi's face.

"But-" Yoongi said about to make his case on why he should be hated but before he could Jimin shut him down.

"Hyung. Anyone dense enough to hate you for what you are doesn't deserve to be around you. Plus you couldn't help the situation you were in since you hadn't eaten, it's fine. If it wasn't I'd have complained to my uncle Taemin." Jimin said with a smile due to the fact Yoongi cared what he thought about him enough to avoid him.

"Wait so it's okay to be a vampire and not keep it a secret but liking men is something that should be kept a secret?" Yoongi asked completely confused how Jimin's views could be so different to his.

Jimin shook his head before correcting "Nope but now I see why we both had being bullied in common though because to different people there held to the same standard. You received hate for being a vampire and I got hate for being gay."

Yoongi corrected "And being Pan." Which Jimin shook his head at with a smile due to the tension in the room going away.

"Okay and being pan. All of which wasn't deserved. So how about we pretend what happened didn't happen and just be friends. Pleaseeeeeeee~" Jimin asked cutely making Yoongi chuckle and nod.

Jimin dramatically said "Thank you." As two knocks were heard at the door.

"Yoongi Hyung! Can we adopt a puppy?Taehyung shouted through the door ending Jimin and Yoongi's bonding moment.

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