Part 17: Tomato juice

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"Your gonna hate yourself when you wake up hyung." Hoseok said as Namjoon searched through his pockets for 'tomato juice' to give Yoongi.

"At least Jimin was cool with it, he looked more confused than anything and Jin said he wasn't sure what to do because he wasn't waking up." Namjoon said successfully getting it and opening it and putting it to Yoongi's mouth, his instinct even when unconscious being to drink.

"He needs to start taking care of himself better, it's been two times now in a short period of time his body has gone into starvation. Sooner or later he's not gonna be able to fight his urges and maybe not be able to go out in the sun." Hoseok said sadly.

"He puts Taehyung before himself which is admirable but also stupid. Taehyung wasn't going anywhere to do but he was." Namjoon said waiting for colour to go back to Yoongi's face.

"Try not to scold him. He'll be pissed enough at himself." Hoseok asked getting a nod from Namjoon who replied "I won't scold him because he'll beat himself up anyways."

Not to long after Yoongi began to come too, Hoseok and Namjoon both bracing themselves.

"Kill... me..." Yoongi said feeling like utter crap not sure why Namjoon and Hoseok were there.

"No your going to live a long and happy life." Hoseok said in a serious tone.

Yoongi opened his eyes fully as he sat up, reading Namjoon's and Hoseok's facial expressions.

"What?" Yoongi said feeling dread instantly.

Hoseok looked to Namjoon who sighed not wanting to tell him but knowing he'd have too.

"You might've nearly done something." Namjoon said cryptically not sure how to word it lightly.

"What?" Yoongi asked confused, thinking back to his last memory which was with Jimin instantly making him panic saying quickly "What did I do?"

Both boys frowned knowing Yoongi and how he'd react but knew they had to say it.

Namjoon started struggling to word it but attempting to saying "You dozed off but because you were hungry..."

"I didn't." Yoongi said becoming fully alert as guilt covered his face.

"No no no. Jimin's fine you didn't." HoseOk said shaking is hands and head as an emphasis.

"Then what did I do?" Yoongi asked becoming more nervous.

"From the look of it you were in a trance. You would respond when Jimin called out for you to get you to wake up and you ended up moving over him and trapping him kissing his neck which we know would more than likely have been..."

"Because I was going to feed..." Yoongi said completing Namjoon's sentence.

Namjoon gulped as he nodded watching all colour drain from Yoongi's face again.

Hoseok panicked saying "Jimin's fine though he just looked confused so we sent him to go get our stuff which we ditched when Jin got messages from Jimin."

Yoongi buried his face in his hands feeling stupid and guilty and over all mad at himself.

"I'm- ugh." Yoongi said not even being able to express how he was feeling.

"Come on it could've been worse." Hoseok comforted over all failing.

Yoongi looked up through his hands at his two dongsaeng's before Yoongi asked "How did you get here so fast?"

Namjoon said "We ran. Nobody saw us but we knew you'd be more mad if we got caught to stop you."

Yoongi nodded before insulting himself saying "At least my dongsangs know how to use their brains."

The three boys were about to continue taking about how they were gonna cover it up but before they could the door to the roof top opened with Jin and Jimin emerging with all the bags.

Yoongi instantly went into panic mode wanting to run away and probably would've if Namjoon didn't throw an arm around him holding him in place.

"Your awake." Jimin said trying his best not to stutter or let himself go bright red which he knew he was probably doing anyways.

Yoongi sighed before apologising saying "Sorry Jimin I was out of it. I shouldn't have come in today." Getting a nod in response from the other boy.

They all went silent as Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair stressed.

"You've only got a few lessons left." The head teacher said walking through the roof top door with a warm smile.

"If you want you can come sit in my office instead of in class." He proposed holding a hand out for Yoongi who wasn't sure if he was scared or relieved.

"Thank you sir." Yoongi said getting a nod and being told "Go grab your bags, we'll go now so you can avoid crowds."

Yoongi did as he was told walking over to the teacher who had an arm out which he then put around Yoongi's shoulder.

They were about to leave but before they did the head teacher turned around and said "Oh Jiminie?" To which the boy responded "Yes sir?"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me uncle?" The man scolded as Yoongi decided he was more scared than relieved with the discovery.

"Sorry uncle Taemin." Jimin apologised feeling slightly embarrassed by his uncle.

"Tell your mother that I'm holding a party and your both invited this weekend." The headteacher said getting a nod in response before leading Yoongi to his office.

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