Part 15: Jimins room

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Jimin led Yoongi up the stairs straight to his room elbowing the door open since he had a drink in one hand and Yoongi's hand, since his hand slipped down his arm unintentionally (but like actually he was to shy to be that forward on his own), in his other hand.

He bopped his door open as he backed into his room since he didn't just want to kick the door in case it broke.

Jimin let go of Yoongi's hand placing down his drink on his desk then flopping onto his bed where he face down starfished, mentally exhausted.

"You know I can leave?" Yoongi said chuckling at how cute Jimin was being in contrast to his talkative flirty self like he was in school.

"It's fine, plus my mum will drive you home later." Jimin said muffler by a pillow, then adding "Sit down." Patting next to him.

Yoongi waddled over plopping down next to Jimin.

From where he sat he looked around the room seeing nothing that really reflected what he'd learned about Jimin since meeting him.

From the conversations they had he found out Jimin loved cute things, he liked lots of hip hop music and rap, he enjoyed dance even if he made jokes about it, he liked taking photos and then a bunch of other small things.

None of which was represented in the room.

Either way Yoongi still complimented the room saying "Your rooms nice, it's simplistic and calm." Trying his best to make the compliment seem genuine which it was he just felt it didn't fit the younger even if he didn't know him as well as he probably could have.

"Thanks, I think it's boring but easy to keep clean. Plus it makes my mum happy so that's a good thing." Jimin said sitting up onto his knees facing Yoongi.

Yoongi couldn't help but smile at how honest Jimin was and how unfazed he was by what he said.

"It's nice. Nothing how I'd thought it would look." Yoongi admitted in an attempt to hide how nervous he was however that feeling went away with what Jimin insinuated next.

"So you've been thinking about my bedroom, have you?"

Jimin smirked mischievously as Yoongi couldn't help but laugh at the side of Jimin he knew better came out.

Yoongi said "I hate you." As he tried to stop laughing which failed as Jimin said "Apparently not if you've been thinking about my bedroom."

Both burst out laughing again together, the two getting on well with no awkwardness or tension which was kinda what Yoongi was relying on to stay at a safe distance from Jimin which was easily failing.

"On a more serious note how's your back?" Yoongi asked as they slowly stopped laughing, the bright happy look on Jimin's face fading quickly.

"It hurts but I did get slammed into a wall and kicked which explains the there pain." Him said looking down at his stomach.

Yoongi sighed before saying "Let me see." Since he wanted to make sure Jimin was okay and that there was nothing serious since he didn't know how hits affected humans since he'd always been a vampire - born not bitten.

Jimin was hesitant but complied lifting Yoongi's jumper off letting the coldness engulf him.

Yoongi frowned as his fingers gently went over Jimin's now bruised abs which caused the younger to flinch at.

Yoongi got up, resting his hand on Jimin's shoulder, as he looked at the back which was pretty badly bruised too.

"That bastard..." Yoongi said under his breath as he trailed his hand over Jimin's back.

Jimin felt chills go down his spine and could feel his face getting slightly more flushed but he managed to hide it well.

"I think we should tell your eomma-"

"No." Jimin said instantly reusing before Yoongi could even finish his sentence insisting "We can't tell her."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he asked "Why not?" To Which Jimin bit his lip as he said "She doesn't know."

Yoongi was confused for a moment but quickly understood making him frown more.

"She doesn't know?" Yoongi said to be sure to which Jimin responded with a slight nod.

Yoongi sighed resting his head on Jimin's bare back instead of facepalming himself, which made Jimin quite flustered.

"You should tell her now before she founds out from someone else. You'll just be mad at yourself otherwise."

Jimin sighed knowing Yoongi was right but didn't want to admit it so stayed quiet.

Yoongi leant off of Jimin's back as he dialled a number on his phone which quickly answered.

"Hey Joon. Is there anything you can do to help with bruises like I know there's tablets for pain but like is there anything to hide bruises and make them go away." Yoongi asked tracing his hands over Jimin's back again.

Jimin's heart beating quickly for the fourth time since they got upstairs.

Jimin wasn't sure what was being said but Yoongi just kept saying yes or no before the call ended with "Thank you bye."

Jimin looked over his shoulder to Yoongi who had a troubled expression on his face before he finally spoke apologising "I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner. There's nothing you can do for bruises except take a pain killer and let it heal on its own."

Jimin told him it was fine and thanked him again when Jimin's mother entered the room, quickly turning away from her shirtless son and the boy who was very close to him.

Jimin grew confused at her reaction so Yoongi said "You really should play sports at school, I told you that you'd end up getting badly hurt and the bruises still look fresh."

Yooni turned around realising her assumption was wrong, instantly going to her son.

"What happened- oh my goodness your a mess." She said quickly glancing over all the injuries.

"Has Jimin not told you about them?" Yoongi asked playing innocent Jimin quickly catching on and playing along too.

Yooni shook her head as she looked to Yoongi asking "Did oh do this?" Meaning put the plaster on and clean up the scratches.

Yoongi nodded saying "It was only meant to be temporary since he was supposed to ask you to help since it's on his back but he got embarrassed so I said I'd come help."

Jimin's mother smiled at Yoongi as she thanked him then taking a better look at Jimin's back.

"You've never been good with exercise other than dancing, no wonder you look like you've been beaten up." She said pretending as if she hadn't already figured out what happened after receiving an apologetic phone call from Jaejoon's mother.

She just appreciated Jimin had someone who would help defend him and make sure he was okay as well as lie for him which probably wasn't a good thing to do but it showed he cared.

Jimin sighed as his mother slapped his back gently which was her secret way of punishing him for making his friend lie as she then went and grabbed a shirt for Jimin to put on.

"Yoongi's patched you up well so we can grab some cream on the way back after dropping Yoongi off." She said with a warm smile.

Not too long after that they were in the car and then after that at Yoongi's apartment.

They exchanged their farewells and were about to head their separate ways when Jimin shouted "Wait Hyung you forgot your hoody!"

Yoongi turned around and smiled as he shouted back "It looked better on you anyways, enjoy the present." Before going into his apartment leaving a shy blushing Jimin in a car with his mother.

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