Part 44: Time skip

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The holidays were over and Jimin and Yoongi had now been dating for around a month with the next holidays quickly approaching.

They told all of their friends that they were together.

Yooni was told over a nice dinner.

The whole school found out Jimin was dating Yoongi due to Jimin enjoying making Yoongi flustered and Yoongi doing the same it being a competition between the two.

Yoongi would meet Jimin at school and Jimin would let Yoongi have some blood and it worked out pretty well as a system, Yoongi being able to lay the whole day without needing blood.

Everything was going well and Yoongi felt like he'd be able to graduate this school as did Namjoon and Hoseok.

They told Jungkook and Jin they were all vampires not to long after Yoongi and Jimin started dating as they noticed the bite marks on Jimin's neck when he wasn't wearing proper T shirts.

They accepted it instantly only having questions which made Jin say how he knew all along Jimin and Yoongi were souls mates not getting the whole of the blood mates story not that everyone really cared.

Taehyung ended up getting a private tutor with Jungkook after school for English since Taehyung wanted to learn and it was the only lesson Jungkook was lacking.

Namjoon confessed to Jin that he liked him and they ended up dating.

Basically a lot happened and they were all happy.

Their vampire secret was safe as were their decent grades - education is important.

And all in all their was a happy ending to their school life all graduating.

All that was left now was a trip that Yoongi promised.

A trip to his mansion in Daegu.

--- --- --- --- ---

"Hyung~" Jungkook said smiling at Jin who was already pulling his and Jungkooks bags out of the car knowing the maknae would want to run off with Taehyung instantly.

"Your so lazy." Jimin complained carting his own bags along messing the maknaes hair up who just smiled.

"You all know you love me." Jungkook said confidentially Which Hoseok replied "And we all know you love Tae." Which made the maknae go bright red.

"He didn't deny it." Yoongi teased holding Min Holly in his arms with Taehyung next to him carrying Yeontan who cutely tilted his head not paying attention until he saw Jungkook.

"Didn't deny what?" Taehyung asked causing Jungkook to blush more looking down on the ground.

"That Jungkook l-" Hoseok started to say before Namjoon covered his mouth stopping him from speaking.

"It doesn't matter Tae, why don't you go assign rooms." Namjoon said with a caring smile, Taehyung nodding in response.

Jungkook let out a sigh of relief needing some time to compose himself before talking to Taehyung again but unfortunately that didn't happen as Taehyung turned back when at the door and jumped on the maknaes back asking "Kookie will you help TaeTae?" Doing his best attempt at aegyo.

Jungkook nodded so Taehyung jumped off his back taking his hand and pulling him into the large, homely mansion.

They ran off leaving the others to take all of their bags inside until they returned so they could all have a tour.

Finally inside properly they all got a good look at the mansion, jaws dropping at how big and fancy it was from those who'd never been there.

"Hyung this place is- I'm speechless." Jimin said looking around the main welcoming area they were in.

Yoongi just shrugged trying to hide his blushing before he noticed something that wasn't in his home the last time he was here.

"Taehyung!" He yelled approaching the all the framed pictures that were in the living room.

Taehyung appeared with a boxy smile then saying "Me and Ji-Yong found all these pictures hidden away in the loft so he said we should put them up."

Yoongi looked at him knowing he shouldn't be mad at him but he couldn't help feel slight annoyance due to the memories thoughts pictures brought - them being hidden away for a reason.

The others appeared behind him looking at the photos on the wall, all of them cooing at pictures of baby Yoongi and some unfamiliar people to all but Namjoon.

Namjoon placed a comforting hand on Yoongi's shoulder as they both stared at the picture of a man and woman holding a small baby with kitten lips and a button nose.

Jimin noticed this so held Yoongi's hand worriedly before looking to where he was making a light click in his head.

"You look like them." Jimin said with a gentle voice which Yoongi smiled sadly at as he pulled Jimin closer to himself.

"But I think your more handsome and pretty." Jimin added in hopes to get a happier smile from Yoongi which he did even if it was just a little.

He kissed his boyfriends cheek which then caused Yoongi to pull him into a hug which Jimin happily complied with.

After that they settled in before eventually giving a tour.

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