Part 33: Bedroom

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Yoongi ran into his bedroom, jumping over, yoongi's sons, Holly's bed.

Jimin copier this action following closet behind trying to grab Yoongi who was laughing as he ran.

"Hyung!" Jimin yelled grabbing a hold of Yoongi's arm then slipping pulling both boys backwards on to Yoongi's bed.

"Yes?" Yoongi asked supporting himself over Jimin, unable to run away due to Jimin's tight grip on his hand.

"You really had to say that didn't you?!" Jimin yelled brimming with embarrassment.

Yoongi chuckled over him before saying "let go of me so we can both sit up and I'll tell you something."

Jimin huffed but instead of letting go he managed to get Yoongi go fall onto the bed next to him before he climbed over him.

"I can't believe you." Jimin said letting go of Yoongi's arm and then hitting Yoongi's chest gently since he didn't want to actually hurt him.

Yoongi said nothing deciding to let Jimin get the adrenaline out of his system letting him complain and hit him (barely tapping) under he felt better since he knew Jimin wouldn't actually hurt him.

"I can't... believe you..." Jimin said after about ten minutes before realising the position he was in which made his eyes widen again as he went bright red.

"You really are such a tease." Yoongi said fake pouting mimicking the expression which had been laced on Jimin's face for the past ten minutes.

Jimin's face went redder being the panicked gay he was, going to climb off of Yoongi before Yoongi's large hand wrapped around his waist before pulling him back into his lap.

Both boys were now say up and extremely close to each other, Yoongi being able to not only heat Jimin's heart beat but see the pulsating vein in his neck.

"Now you've calmed down, technically... I'm going to point something out and I need you to hear me out. Okay?" Yoongi said rubbing circles on Jimin's back as to comfort the completely flustered boy who could only nod in response.

"I think your mum knows." Yoongi said bluntly but softly placing a hand over Jimin's which had found its way to resting on his chest.

Jimin's face showed confusion as he tilted his head gesturing for Yoongi to continue.

"She knew about the fight and you haven't told her right?" Yoongi said with a worried look in his eyes as he could feel Jimin tense.

"B-but how? Jaejoon couldn't h-have told her. And I d-doubt he's tell h-his mother." Jimin said fear gushing over him.

Yoongi presses his head against Jimin's as he said "I don't know, but she knew you were mad and that there was a fight. She seemed happy though."

Jimin was frozen as Yoongi carried on attempting to comfort him saying "If she knows she knows and you can't change that, but she was happy enough to let you stay here even after what I insinuated for a millisecond to see how she'd react. It'll be okay, you'll just have to talk to her about it."

"H-hyung." Jimin said his small hands beginning to shake.

"It's okay." Yoongi said moving back a little so Jimin could have some room if he needed it, instead Jimin rested his head on Yoongi's chest this Yoongi holding him close to him.

"Maybe we should get an early night tonight?" Yoongi suggested after a while as Jimin nodded pulling away wiping his eyes where small tears had formed which broke Yoongi's heart.

Jimin now understood what that uneasiness was and also picked up on the fact Yoongi wasn't teasing him for the sake of teasing him but doing a test.

Let's just say he was glad he was with Yoongi and not at home that night just like he was glad Yoongi had shown up during the call.

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