Part 38: Locked

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After the park they walked back to Yoongi's house since they wanted to chill but not get caught in the forecasted rain.

"So from how I see it we have three options here. One I walk you home now before the rain, two I walk you home later during the rain and three you stay over and I walk you back after the rain." Yoongi said not wanting Jimin to walk back alone so accepting If was during the rain he'd more than likely order and pay for a taxi.

Jimin thought for a moment, he wanted to spend more time with Yoongi but didn't want to be caught in the rain.

He'd stay over but he's terrified of thunder and he recalled the last time he stayed over and how Yoongi ended up sleeping on the couch leaving him alone in the mysterious, dark room - Jimin to flustered to argue with him.

He hated thunder and storms with a passion even though he enjoyed the rain and knowing his fear and the weather forecast he decided it would probably be best for him to go home.

"I think I should go before it starts raining, I don't want to be a burden to you." Jimin said with Yoongi nodding in understanding, secretly wanting Jimin to stay since he hated being alone.

Yoongi grabbed his coat and keys before saying "Let's go." To Jimin who was following behind him.

After a while of chatting they reached Jimin's house, avoiding the rain so far.

Jimin went to open the door realising it was locked and ringing the door bell before looking for the car.

It wasn't there so he pulled his phone out and dialled his mother as Yoongi stood holding the picnic basket.

"Hello?" Yooni said in an obviously confused voice.

"Hello Eomma, how long do you think it'll be before your home?" Jimin asked bouncing on the spot trying to stay warm not understanding how the weather was making it hot but stormy.

He heard the woman sigh before asking "You've left your keys at home?" Getting a "Yep." In response.

She sighed again before saying "Jimin I just got off the plan thirty minutes ago, I'm on a business trip for the next three days remember?"

Jimin face dropped catching Yoongi's attention and honestly making him kind of concerned due to the youngers now ghostly complexion.

"All the windows and doors are locked sweetie, I thought you had your keys. I'm sorry but you won't be able to get in." She said as the memory of Jimin's key chain on his desk replayed through her head since she assumed Jimin just took the keys for once instead of the heavy clunk of charms.

Of course she was wrong but she couldn't be mad since she was the one rushing Jimin out of the house that morning.

Jimin thought for a moment before asking "Can I break a wind-" which was instantly cut off with a "No."

Yoongi was now more confused than ever so ended up asking "You okay?" Quietly which Jimin nodded to flashing him a quick smile.

"Do you have your wallet on you?" Yooni asked brain storming ideas since she knew she couldn't be mad at Jimin even if she wanted to.

Jimin replied "Yes." After routing through his back pocket looking for it.

Yooni let out a relieved sigh then saying "Use your cards to book a hotel and I'll give you the money."

Jimin felt bad knowing he was about to crush his mothers plans but knew he should inform her so said "I thought if only need twenty max today so I only took out some cash in my wallet. Everything else is inside."

She started mumbling to herself regretting not trusting anyone with a spare key before she was defeated saying "I'll phone Yuri and see if you can stay at her house."

Jimin instantly protested saying "I'd rather sleep outside in a storm for three days straight than be under the same roof as Jaejoon for even a second."

Yooni knee the seriousness behind his words so she sighed again not trusting anyone else with her baby.

"Can you stay with any of your friends or do they have camping gear you could borrow?" She asked causing Jimin to think before asking "Hyung do you have any camping gear I can borrow for a few days?" Which caused Yoongi's face to go blank - especially knowing that was his threat.

Jimin didn't want to burden Yoongi especially since he knew he'd be a jumpy mess with the storm but he could instantly tell from the look on Yoongi's face that he no longer had a choice.

"You can stay at my house." Was all Yoongi said.

Jimin was about to protest but before he could Yoongi had taken his hand and started pulling him back in the direction of his own home.

"Eommaaaaaaaa why couldn't you have not rushed me, now I'm burdening Yoongi hyung." Jimin said as he let himself be pulled along by the boy who simply said "Your not a burden."

Yooni chuckled as relief flew over her saying "Tell my dear Yoongi he is a life saver and I love him almost as much as you do."

Jimin felt his face heat up slightly before saying "My Eomma said your a life saver and that she loves you."

Yoongi smiled slightly before replying "It's fine." Slowing down a bit so Jimin could catchy up properly before taking his hand in his own.

Jimin smiled at the action before his mothers voice rang through his ear asking "How's your date going?"

"Good." Jimin said blushing more due to his mother speaking in a teasing voice.

"Awe my little chimchim is all flustered, I can hear it in your voice. Eomma has to go now because she has to work but kisses for you and Yoongi, bye bye sweetie. Mwah." She said in a baby voice trying to embarrass Jimin more who simply exchanged good byes mumbling "I love you too." Before hanging up.

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