Part 40: Out of food

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He easily lifted Jimin bridal style in his arms knowing his legs were to shaky to walk because of him trembling on him.

He walked them both into the kitchen listening to Jimin's quick heart beat unwillingly since it was the only sound he could now pick up on for some reason being in a worse position than starvation mode.

He placed Jimin on the counter before going over to the fridge where he stored his blood, being met with the harsh surprise of there being none even though e recalled buying enough for the week alone.

But then again he'd eaten more since he was around Jimin a lot.

It quickly made sense as he face palmed then ran his fingers through his hair stressed.

"You okay?" Jimin asked shaking lightly on the counter with a worried look on his face.

Yoongi turned to him before nodding slightly, then going over to a window and seeing how bad the storm outside was.

The storm hit hard and the droplets were literally bouncing off the floor due to the force and heavy amount of rain.

"I'm going to have to run out to the nearest shop that sells blood." Yoongi said in a monotonous voice not wanting to go out in that weather with it being so bad.

Jimin instantly asked "Can I come with you?" Not wanting to be alone in an unfamiliar (in comparison to his own home) place.

Yoongi shook his head, about to go over and kiss Jimin's head before having to stop himself, then replying "You'll get ill in this weather, and what if a loud strike of lighting hits?"

Jimin frowned before quietly saying "It's better than being alone and scared." Puffing his cheeks out as he pouted.

Yoongi sighed before getting his phone to see how far away the shop was before discovering it was shut as the power went out making him sigh again and crouch on the floor in frustration.

"The stores shut and the next closest one is over an hour away not accounting for the bad weather." Yoongi complained feeling helpless.

"Over an hour isn't too bad." Jimin said putting his own fear behind him so he could comfort Yoongi.

Yoongi back away slightly for every shaky step forward Jimin made knowing he should keep a distance.

Jimin stopped once he realised what Yoongi was doing so crouched down too, to Yoongi's level.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked causing Yoongi to sigh once again.

"I don't think I'll be able to stop myself if you get much closer." Yoongi admitted with a frown and slight pout on his face.

Yoongi's stomach grumbled again with his hunger growing significantly as his helplessness also grew.

"What can I-" Jimin began to speak when the room lit up due to a flash of lightening causing him to stop taking his breath away as he held his chest.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked Jimin this time as he shuffled further away due to the adrenaline now also bursting through Jimin's veins.

Both caring about the other more than themselves.

"Y-yeh. I'm f-fine. Is there a-anything I can do t-too help?" Jimin asked trying to focus on Yoongi.

Yoongi shook his head before speed dialling Hoseok to see if he could lend some blood but instead of ringing Yoongi was informed all phone towers had gone down in the area.

Yoongi threw his head back as Jimin quickly grasped the situation watching as Yoongi grew more tense and exhausted thus asking "What'll happen if you don't eat."

Yoongi looked to Jimin before looking up at the roof knowing what Jimin would say if he found out.

Jimin repeated the question again this time threatening "If you don't tell me I'll come over there."

Yoongi's head shot up before quickly saying "No I'll tell you."

Which Jimin nodded in response to shuffling back.

"If I don't eat I'm more likely to lose control and get more of the stereo typical vampire traits like not being able to go out in sun, my fans will be more prominent, my eyes will go red and all of those other stereo types and if I don't get food I'll starve." Yoongi said dreading the thought but preferring it over risking losing control and hurting Jimin.

Jimin instantly grew ten times more concerned before standing up carefully.

"A-and what happens if you drink a humans blood?" He asked not really sure what other clichés were true.

Yoongi bluntly said "That depends on the human." Not wanting to explain the, what he deemed cringe, story of blood mates.

Yoongi knew what was coming next but didn't want it to.

"And what about me?"

Jimin looked over to Yoongi with worry obvious willing to do anything to help since the fear of what Yoongi said happening was worse to him than anything else in that moment.

"Jimin-" Yoongi was about to protest before Jimin cut him off again and said "What about me?"

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