Part 26: Unexpected

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"You know your babying Holly toooo much." Jimin pointed out as they walked through the door.

Min Holly being carried in Yoongi's arms and Yeontan walking.

"She's just a precious baby, I don't want her to get to tired." Yoongi said getting kisses from his pupper.

Jimin smiled at the sight, closing the door behind him then letting Yeontan run free.

Yoongi walked over to Jimin cradling Min Holly before holding him up to Jimin like a teddy bear.

Jimin took the doggo who covered his face in kisses cutely.

"See he's a precious pup." Yoongi said then going into the kitchen to get the dogs some water.

"He might be precious but he still tied us together before and gave me a heart attack." Jimin said trying to not give into the cuteness, failing to fight a smile.

"How could you stay mad at him though." Yoongi said placing the dishes down, both dogs going to it.

Jimin sighed shaking his head fighting a blush as Yoongi gave him a gummy smile.

Jimin was seeing Yoongi's soft side first hand and it was making his heart beat ten times faster than it would normally.

"Would you like a drink?" Yoongi asked nodding Jimin to go over to the kitchen which he did do saying "Please." In response.

Yoongi grabbed a glass and opened a cupboard presenting options to Jimin.

"Can I have Dietcoke please." Jimin said leaning against the door frame.

Yoongi nodded and poured him a glass grabbing a straw out of the cupboard, cleaning it because he wanted to, then placing it in the cup handing it to Jimin who thanked him.

"It's dinner time so do you want some food?" Yoongi then asked glancing to Jimin who's face said yes but head said no as he shook it with the straw in his mouth.

Yoongi got bread out anyways and made some sandwiches for him.

Yoongi grabbed the plate with sandwiches then walked over to Jimin who was confused why he made sandwiches if he didn't eat them.

Yoongi used his free hand and held onto Jimin's pulling him into the living room and making him sit down, then placing the food on his lap.

"Bon appetite." Yoongi said with a proud smile since he wasn't good at making human food, which luckily didn't normally matter since he was the one who had to eat it, this time thinking he did well because it looked nice.

Jimin was going to protest but before he could get the words out of his mouth, Yoongi was holding a sandwich to his lips saying "Ahh." Which Jimin complied to blushing and avoiding eye contact.

Yoongi chuckled then saying "Your all talk." Then ruffling Jimin's hair as he looked down shyly.

After that Jimin quietly are his sandwiches as Yoongi played on the floor in front of him with his dogs.

Jimin watched as Yoongi ended up lying on the floor being attacked by both the puppies who were pinning him down and licking him.

"Ji-Jimin. Help." Yoongi said as he chuckled at the dogs which were basically tickling him.

Jimin thought for a moment as the words 'all talk' played through his head.

Jimin put his plate on the table over where Yoongi was before standing over him and lifting up one of the dogs, Yoongi believing he was actually getting help.

Jimin kisses Min Holly's head before placing him back on Yoongi which was the moment Yoongi knew he messed up.

Jimin smirked repeating "I guess I'm all talk." Then tickling the elder who was trapped on the floor, now in a laughing fit being careful not to hurt him.

Yoongi wasn't just gonna let Jimin do what he wanted so he poked the back of Jimin's knees making the boy fall on top of him.

Jimin ended up sat on Yoongi's stomachs with his knees on either side of him, hands propping him up not to far from his hyungs face.

Both went silent as they took in how close they were, being able to feel the others heavy breaths on their faces.

Yoongi paused for a moment taking in Jimin's heavenly appearance before deciding to say the first thing that came to his mind once Jimin fell - deciding against the did it hurt when you fell from heaven line which was his second thought.

"Are you all talk now?" Yoongi asked lifting a hand above his head to gently hold Jimin's hand.

Jimin analysed every feature of Yoongi's face before asking back "All talk?"

Yoongi smirked then saying "I know what your thinking it's just a case of you being able to do it. Which I don't think you will."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, chuckling as he said "Really?" Getting a nod from his hyung.

Jimin pouted as he thought about what to do next I go chuckling under him.

"And what if I do something different?" Jimin asked genuinely thinking about his next move.

Yoongi shook his head with a goofy smile before saying "You do something I don't expect and I'll buy to dinner."

"Kimchi?" Jimin asked literally willing to do anything for kimchi, Yoongi nodding in response.

Jimin started to blush more as a thought popped into his head.

He debated for a second if he should do it or not before his love of kimchi made him choose the obviously better decision.

He leant in to his hyungs ear and whispered "Are you sure?" His breath shaky from nerves.

Yoongi nodded causing Jimin to back away for a moment before asking "Anything unexpected?" Getting yet another nod.

Jimin leaned in again, this time lower than before.

He bit his lip as he leaned down close enough to make contact, then placing lots of gentle kisses around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi's eyes widened due to him not expecting it, realising he was now indebted to taking Jimin out, not moving as Jimin explores his neck.

Jimin wasn't sure if Yoongi has expected it or not since he couldn't see his hyungs reaction, just feeling his body tense for a moment under him before relaxing again.

So he decided to do something extract just to make sure - and because he was enjoying it which he swore to himself he wouldn't admit.

Jimin traveled up Yoongi's neck until he felt Yoongi tense under him again, this time deciding to do something different.

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