Part 43: Bed

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After fifthteen minutes Jimin appeared again resuming his position on Yoongi's laps which Yoongi welcomed, music filling the apartment although there was no power.

"Sorry if you don't like the music but it's all I had saved to my phone." Yoongi said referencing the classical music which was playing loudly.

Further explaining "I listen to proper music on Spotify but keep the classics to my phone."

Jimin smiled as he said "I like classical music." Comfortably cuddling into Yoongi.

Everything was dimly lit making everything in the room calm and tranquil.

Both boys just spooned talking between the two about casual things considering what they just did.

Eventually they began talking about their date earlier with Jimin asking "Why'd you lose your shirt?"

Yoongi chuckled before replying "I felt intimidated." Which caused Jimin to sit up with a look of disbelief in his face.

"What?" Yoongi said chuckling again.

"You felt intimidated?" Jimin asked getting a nod in response from Yoongi.

"Why?" Jimin asked causing Yoongi to sigh and say "I didn't want two pretty girls to steal you from our date."

Jimin burst out laughing in response to this before saying "I'm gay Hyung." To Which Yoongi defended "There we're also some shirtless guys checking you out." Which made Jimin laugh more.

"Hyung, if they were checking anyone out it would be the hot vampire with the perfect six pack on show who I was on the date with." Jimin said through tears of laughter.

Yoongi tilted his head innocently before saying "I thought you were on a date with me?" which Jimin playfully punched him for replying "I was pabo. If anyone should of felt intimidated it should've been me."

"How can I make you not feel intimidated then?" Yoongi asked chuckling and holding Jimin's hands so he couldn't keep playfully hitting him and just because he wanted to.

"How can I make YOU is the real question." Jimin said with an eye smile.

Yoongi brought one of Jimin's hands to his face with his own as he poked his lip making a hmm sound before saying "Be my boyfriend then I can make everyone jealous."

Jimin blushed before saying "Are you serious?"

Yoongi chuckled and nodded as a blush appeared on his face as he blushed himself playing with Jimin's hands.

"Okay they Yeah. Yes." Jimin said completely flustered as Yoongi leant forward for a kiss which he complied with.

"I'll be your boyfriend." Jimin said with a eye smile and Yoongi answered "I'll be yours."

They had another sweet kiss before Yoongi pulled away with a cheeky gummy smile saying "Why do I feel so happy?"

Jimin smiled in response before mumbling "Rude." Then chuckling and saying "Becaude your happy."

Yoongi tolled his eyes and said "I didn't mean it like that." Which Jimin chuckled at clapping his and Yoongi's hands together saying "I'm sure you didn't."

Yoongi sat up a little defensively saying "I didn't. I'm just a lot happier than I thought I could be in general."

Jimin smiled before saying "I understand that because I feel the same."

Yoongi then stroked where he bit Jimin saying "My boyfriend has such a pretty neck." Which made Jimin blush.

The conversation went generally fluffy, both more focused on each other than outside.

The storm being nothing now as long as they were talking which they did for hours until bed time came.

Yoongi threw a shirt at Jimin before starting to get changed in front of him, just slipping some pants on as Jimin watched admiring the view.

Yooni noticed making Jimin look alway before going over to the boy.

"My turn to admire the view." Yoongi said filled with a new found confidence.

Jimin's face went red but he deemed it as only fair deciding since the shirt was so big if he put that on first it didn't matter when took his pants off.

He removed his shirt slowly, not on purpose but because he got tangled - skill.

Yoongi watching contently as he did do reviewing his alright abs which put his own to shame, not that he minded.

Jimin then put the shirt in ruining Yoongi's fun knowing he'd just slide his pants off, Jimin noticing Yoongi's pout which made him go over and coo about his pout then purposely bending over and moving his clothes onto a chair instead of the floor.

They both climbed into the bed Jimin this time being big spoon when the room lit up because Yoongi's curtains were open.

"You we're doing so well." Yoongi teased turning and engulfing Jimin in a hug.

Both falling asleep not to long after.

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