Part 8: Hamster

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"Namjoon we can't just ditch." Yoongi said following Namjoon who was walking extremely fast.

"We can and we just did. So why haven't you eaten?" Namjoon asked slowing down acknowledging how tired Yoongi was.

Yoongi didn't say anything because he knew the reason was dumb.

Hoseok sighed throwing a arm around Yoongi's shoulder and reminding him "It's dangerous not to eat because your body eventually shuts down and we get the side affects like not being able to go out in the sun."

Yoongi sighed before replying "I know."

Namjoon who was now acting as the hyung scolded "You need to eat no matter what. It's stupid not too."

Yoongi listened to it for another five minutes until he had to sit down for a break.

"Okay old man. Hop on." Hoseok said crouching in front of Yoongi who just complied feeling dead.

"So are you gonna give your reason or not?" Namjoon asked once they started walking again since he was feeling less bad because he didn't have to walk.

"Taehyung's hamster died because he 'forgot to feed it' supposedly even though I know he didn't and it was old so he's refusing to eat because he doesn't deserve food or whatever. So me being the genius I am, is refusing to eat too so he'll feel guilty and eat." Yoongi explained tiredly.

"How long have you not eaten?" Namjoon asked kind of understanding Yoongi's philosophy.

"Two days but he'd gone without three so is worse off." Yoongi explained getting a nod from Namjoon as they were approaching the small apartment.

"Well then let's get this done with." Namjoon said as he opened the door to the dimly lit apartment.

"Taehyungieeee~" Hoseok sang as he entered the apartment eith Yoongi on his back, namjoon closing the door behind them.

"Taehyung we need you to bring some food quick for hyung, he's not doing to well." Namjoon called out when Taehyung didn't come out the first time.

Taehyung emerged from his bed room clearly exhausted as Hoseok laid Yoongi on the couch.

He came back with some blood and gave it to Hoseok to give to Yoongi, about to limp back into his room but before he could take a few steps Namjoon already had him sat down on a chair.

"Okay your turn now."

Taehyung froze as he looked up at him not moving an inch.

Namjoon sighed and grabbed the blood from Hoseok who was holding it out to him then handing it to Taehyung saying "Drink."

Taehyung shook his head still feeling guilt about his hamster which Yoongi knew he'd regret agreeing to after how he reacted the other three times to them dying - but he still caved for his dongsaeng.

"Yoongi talk to him." Namjoon said looking to the elder who was trying to sit up even though he felt dead.

Yoongi knew better than wasting time saying he's tried so attempted again.

He breathed out the tension he'd been holding in as he simply said "Tae."

On the spot Taehyung started crying as he had so much respect for his hyung and hated him telling him off - he was his role model.

Yoongi sighed so opened his arms which the younger went into.

"I'm sorry hyung I didn't want you to not eat." Taehyung said as he cried into the others arms.

The three older boys just comforted Taehyung as he cried until Taehyung fell asleep in Yoongi's arms after finally eating something.

The two other boys were about to leave when Namjoon's phone rang.

"Hello?" Namjoon said confused at the not recognised number.

"Hiya Joonie, It's Jin hyung I got your number off the school. Yoongi left his phone at dinner and we have it now so was wondering if you knew Yoongi's address?" Jin said on the other line as Namjoon pieced things together the best he could.

"Umm he lives down town, it's pretty far away so it can wait until tomorrow." Namjoon said looking at Yoongi and Hoseok who were equally confused.

"It's fine really, how's he doing anyways?" Jin asked giving the orders to the driver to drive downtown.

"Eh he's a lot better after resting for a bit. Um how did you get my number from the school?" Namjoon asked really confused.

"Oh my dad donates a lot to the school so all I had to do was ask and they gave it me, you guys also still have full attendance. Your welcome." Jin said before adding "Don't pull a stunt like that again."

Namjoon sighed in relief saying "Thank you and we won't."

Jungkook took the phone from Jin quickly and clicked face time so he could see Namjoon.

"Hiya hyung~" Jungkook said happily with his bunny smile when he saw the elders face.

"Hiya Kookie, so are the three of you together then?" Namjoon asked smiling at the maknae.

"Yup Jiminie is napping though." Jungkook said turning the camera around to the other.

Make that two people napping Namjoon said looking to Taehyung.

"We're entering down town." A voice said causing Jungkook to ask for an address which Yoongi gave not minding too much since they were being nice.

After that they hung up and waited.

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