Part 18: Head teachers office

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The head teacher opened the door to his office, Yoongi following behind him clearly stressed and upset.

"Go sit down." The elder instructed, Yoongi doing as he was told as the elder opened what appeared as a globe but was actually a hidden storage thing he had in his office which had a wine bottle in it and two glasses.

He took the glasses over to his desk and the bottle pouring out two cups, Yoongi recognising the smell instantly.

It was blood.

"Have a drink and relax a little. Your not in trouble." The head teacher said getting "Yes sir." In response.

The elder sighed as he span on his chair then complaining "Why can't you all just call me Taemin? Especially when you know me from outside of school."

Yoongi looked up at the elder who's character had always remained the same saying "Because your the head teacher."

The older sighed again taking a sip from his glass as he poured for a moment before a smirk appeared on his face.

Yoongi gulped knowing nothing good would come from it.

"So Yoongi-ah. My sweet, caring Yoongi-ah. I believe you haven't been eating well." The man said before his smirk grew more then adding "Is it because nothing is as appealing as my dearest nephew?"

Yoongi looked down unable to make eye contact at how awkward the conversation was, only responding with "I forgot to by blood last week but I had school so I was going shopping later to buy some."

Taemin sighed leaning back in his chair with a pout as he said "You can't even be honest with me."

He tutted before leaning forward again resting his elbows on the desk before asking "Why have you been trying to hide what you are?"

Yoongi knew it was coming but he still hoped it wouldn't since the answer seemed to be obvious but was still a touchy subject.

"Why are you?" Being Yoongi's response.

Taemin shook his head replying "We're not talking about me here but if you must know I'm not. It's obvious if you bother to look it just turns out nobody here cares staff wise. Now back to you. Your turn."

Yoongi looked around awkwardly before finding nothing to change topics too so answered saying "It's easier to pretend and be accepted for being something your not than be judged and hated for what you are. Even if it's wrong and selfish to anyone you become close too since it's a lie."

Taemin frowned knowing Yoongi was going to say it but hoped for otherwise since the truth was cold and depressing.

"So that's why you refuse to get close to the people you care about." Taemin said stating the obvious when Yoongi stopped talking, the younger of the pair nodding.

"Okay. Listen up because I'm only going to say this to you once so you have to listen." Taemin said looking at the framed picture of his old friends which he had framed on his desk before looking back to Yoongi with a serious expression.

"If you be you people will find you and love you for who you are. The walls your building and the act your putting on isn't you. The person your making isn't who you are and it's okay to be better person with achievable goals and work to that but you want a worse person and goal you'll never achieve." Taemin paused to make sure Yoongi was listening which he was.

"You are a cool, talkative, friendly, caring, handsome, hyper when you want to be, affectionate young man. The person your playing is cold and distant and hard to get to know and I know it's your goal but it isn't a goal you should have. And it's failing anyways because your still shining through because your such a radiant person. If you being a vampire is enough to make all of that and so much more not count then you should t associate with them, and that doesn't mean running away. It means standing your ground." Taemin said raising an eyebrow at the smirking other boy.

"You couldn't think of any words to describe me could you?" Yoongi asked, his gummy smile showing as he spoke.

Taemin stuck his tongue to the side of his cheek before responding "I could they just didn't flow. So you got the spur."

Yoongi nodded chuckling as Taemin reaches forward placing his hand on his arm as a comfort as he said "I'm being serious though."

Yoongi nodded in acknowledgement before glancing at the clock before saying "It's only a year more, if I can avoid the insults and targeting I want to keep doing that. I have to keep my dongsaengs safe and I don't want to see them hurt again."

Taemin nodded in understanding since he was once the same except he wanted to care for his hyungs.

Taemin made one request though "Do one thing for me. Please let some people in."

Yoongi looked down to the floor again knowing it was more of an order than a request but he nodded anyways even though he didn't want to get hurt again which Taemin could tell looking at him so said "Some people are worth hurting for."

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