Part 13: Rain

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"Hyung, it's gonna rain. You should head in the direction to your house so you don't get caught in it. My house is still ages away." Jimin said feeling guilty that he was being escorted back which would end in Yoongi being drenched.

It's not that he didn't appreciate it, he did, and it's not that he wasn't terrified to walk home alone after what happened, because he was, he just didn't want to risk Yoongi getting ill as he thought Yoongi was human meaning no super hero immune system.

Yoongi shook his head persisting "I'm walking you home so that I know your okay and that you got there safe."

Jimin really appreciates everything Yoongi had done for him that day and was finding it hard not to like him even more since he was proving himself easily to be more than just cute and attractive.

Yoongi stopped in realisation causing Jimin to stop too.

"Weren't you at the market to get something? You have no bags?" Yoongi said looking down at Jimin's empty hands - shirt stashed in the pocket on the hoodie.

Jimin shook his head explaining "I just wanted to go out for a little bit so I didn't need or get anything."

Yoongi sighed in relief as he started to walk again, following Jimin on full alert.

There were multiple reasons Yoongi wanted to walk Jimin home; three mains being that Jimin was hurt so he wanted to make sure he got there okay, he didn't want Jaejoon to go back for Jimin because for all he knew he could and the fact Jimin smelt of blood because of the shirt and the cut on his back which in all honesty made him realise someone was in trouble - that someone being Jimin.

"Why'd you go out on your own? You have loads of friends." Yoongi said genuinely curious.

Jimin looked to him as he shrugged saying "I only really talk to Jin hyung and Kookie out of school. Not that I mind that since their great."

Yoongi was slightly surprised at the fact expecting there to be more people but it was obvious to everyone he was closer to those two.

"To be fair I only really talk to Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon so I can't blame you." Yoongi said being relatable.

Jimin chuckled as he happily said "We should hang out some time." Before internally panicking in case it came out as if he was asking Yoongi on a date which he wouldn't mind but that was besides the point.

Yoongi thought for a moment not sure which way Jimin meant, honestly not minding the thought of either but not wanting to caused trouble for anyone so instead of denying stating "I don't think you'd enjoy spending time around me. I'm boring. Honestly I'm surprised Namjoon and Hoseok are still around, Taehyung is stuck with me."

Jimin chuckled at his hyungs seriousness then saying "Believe it or not your and easy person to be around, cough cough, even if you try not to be around new people."

A smile crept onto Yoongi's face as some of his pent up annoyance faded.

"Did you really just say cough cough instead of actually coughing to make you little dig?"

Jimin started laughing as he explained "Actually cough hurt my throat and ain't nobody got time for that."

Yoongi stopped walking and physically face palmed try his best not to laugh as Jimin fell on the floor.

Yoongi physically could not contain his laughter so ended up crouching next to Jimin who slid onto the floor as his laughing fit worsened, both laughing like long term friends.

People walking past stared at them but neither really cared because they were laughing so much.

After a while, and a few goes of the laughing starting again, they managed to calm down and get back up off the floor as the rain just started.

Both froze and looked at each other since they were in a residential area so there was no covers.

Jimin said "If we run we might not get caught to badly in it." To Which Yoongi nodded at getting up and offering Jimin a hand which he accepted.

"Which way?" Yoongi asked not sure who would run quicker so Jimin looked up to the sky to see how bad the rain was then looked to Yoongi's hand.

He didn't really have time to contemplate so he just grabbed Yoongi's hand saying "Come on." As he started to run with Yoongi holding on to, following him.

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